A total asshole who is so full of himself and "only likes hot girls" he aims to high and no one likes him. He is quite intelligent and athletic, but too much of an asshole to like
"Ugh he's so full of himself that no one will ever even have a chance with him if they wanted to, what a sean"
by Anyonymous6969 March 2, 2017
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A dude that goes to lhs and has a small penis and looks at pics of James Charles ‘s dick that doesn’t exist
Oh hey look it’s that dude Sean with the small peen
by Osama bin balllin December 1, 2022
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Sean is the most loving and caring person you will ever come across, he is a baller and isn’t afraid to prove it! He has the nicest personality ever and is a real sweet guy on the inside, he has the looks and personality that is babe material but can also be indecisive at times. If you have a Sean, never let him go!
“ oh my god did you see sean? He’s such a fucking babe!”
I know right! And his personality is OMG”
by Fconic March 24, 2019
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He’s the loml. I’m actually frr way too in love with his ass. I don’t think he understands tho like we’re in a relationship and he talks abt me getting bored of him or me suddenly deciding to break up and leave him but mane .... I don’t think so. I hope u know I rlly do love and care for u.

Get to know Sean- he cares and looks out for evryone and wishes evryone happiness. He always tries to help out other ppl even if he’s been wronged. He’s gone through a lot of shii through his lifetime and he’s still going though it, but I wanna help him. He’s one of the most genuine people you’ll ever meet. Don’t treat him poorly he’s alrdy been through a lot.
by makther05 October 19, 2020
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He is the type of person that everyone wants to be friends with. He's an amazing guy and he has the biggest heart in the world. They have an amazing sense of style and they know how to keep everyone entertained. They really know how to have fun in the bed and you can just crack up with them if you hit your head on something. He's the best boyfriend that I have ever had; so when you meet one, make sure to never let him go. I love you Sean
That guy is such a Sean, he really knows how to treat a girl right.
by Thegirlwholovesyouthemost(: October 18, 2011
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Sean is a sexy, badass man sent from heaven to teach us mere humans about life. Be careful not to stare into his soul. It's so bright that it will blind you. Be careful with his heart, he can beat up every dude you know. If youre lucky enough to know one, you're bound to to fall in love. He is always a gentleman, loving and kind, with a smart ass mouth. His humor is contagious but no one's as funny. He's an amazing friend and even better lover. Be careful not to stare into his soul. It's so bright that it will blind you. Be careful with his heart, he can beat up every dude you know.
I love Sean.
by Merf's Laws January 4, 2020
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One funny guy who is smart , like to piss u off than make you laugh , cringe asf , very good gamer but most of all never tries and is very lazy but tends to be very romantic and gets chicks with his finessing smooth talk and his looks
Person1:Why is everyone laughing
Person2:Sean said something
by Skidge June 17, 2018
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