(1.) (N.) Really nasty meat in a can for Project Moms and Divorced, Lonely Fathers. From the people who bing you Chubb. Comes in Spam, Spam Light, and Spamburger Deluxe.
(2.) (N.) Annoying Junk Mail send out in Large Quanities by a man named Ronnie Scelson from Louisana.
(3.) (N.) A classic Monty Python routine that's known for annoyingly overusing the word "Spam" meaning the food like product. It's Ironic today because the E-Mail Spam is just as annoying.
I Hate Spam!
by G-Union January 12, 2004
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someone being a dumbass on a forum and posting useless crap of no relevance or amusement.
"is the time before time."

"I swear guys, I'm not a trool, and I wasn't spamming"
by Garett July 4, 2006
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1. unsolicited e-mail;
dangerous as may cause material and virtual distruction to your hardware and software, especially to complicated and delicate systems

2. garbage you don't want to get anymore
1. my computer seems to be out of balance again, it must be due to this spam I have received recently

2. eh, stop sending all that spam, it only makes it worse
by NoNamess September 25, 2006
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A slap administered to the centre of the forehead, pref. on the hairline with the index, middle and ring fingers from the tips to the second knuckles. The flat palm of the hand can also be used but is morely likely to provoke a fist-shaped retaliation. Action must be accompanied by the shouting of the word upon impact viz: "SPAM!!!"
Spammer approaches Spammee, and taps on shoulder. As the Spammee turns, the Spammer lunges, shouting "SPAM!" momentarily confusing and disorienting the victim, but more significantly, irritating them.
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on forums spam should only be considered to apply to blatant spammers who blatantly try to sell shit or who post the same spam links over and over like some kind of fucking spam bot or spammer-troll!! see troll

by fuckshit September 29, 2005
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Alyssa's favorite word o_o
The yummiest food
Something i love to post on facebook
That is currently on my facebook wall <3
Alyssa: oot <3
by tirsaislife April 26, 2010
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A slapping of the forhead on one with a large amount of forhead, if it doesn't make the most beautiful slapping sound, it doesn't work
Haha, i spammed you be-atch
Piece of shit
by Hanly April 21, 2005
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