A group of exceptionally good looking university students who lend their exemplary smarts to teaching an entire course in a short session to those who need or want help, donating all proceeds to sustainable development in South America. These examples of physical perfection give hours of their time slaving on powerpoint to instill a semester's learning into a single session, there only reward being the incredibly low scores they receive for all their hard work.
Jim: Have you studied for the econ final tomorrow?
Jack: Nope, but I went to the SOS session, those stunningly attractive tutors taught me all I needed to know
Jim: Students Offering Support? That's far too legit to quit, how did you reward them for their time donated?
Jack: I gave the tutors the lowest possible score and wrote jibberish in the comments section
Jim: Wow, you're a dick!
Jack: Yup!
by PissedOffTutor February 22, 2012
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When a situation calls for offering an even amount of things, but you make the mistake of offering an odd amount.
My friend Steve tried to join in on our footy game yesterday. He was only one player but in that moment we really needed two players. I told him he can't play because he came to us with an odd offering.
by Hash-money February 18, 2023
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When a young, impressionable Asian man, originating from New Zealand has an increased demand in shower sex, owing to an overall boost in consumption capability.
Guy 1: So ever since that guy took microeconomics, he's been having more sex. Especially in the shower.

Guy 2: Oh yeah? Is there more available? Did sex taxes go down?

Guy 1: Nope, greater demand.

Guy 2: Ah! So he's a shower offer.
by Waterloo ex-pat October 20, 2011
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When your spouse knows you’ve eaten too much lasagne and knows you won’t say yes to sex, but offers it like they’re keen
Spouse: touches your belly “do you want a fuck?
You: “goddammit I’ve eaten way too much lasagne, get your hand off my belly”
Spouse: “don’t say I never offer”
You thinking: shit, I just got the lasagne fuck offer
by GingerPubes115 February 26, 2019
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An offer to provide goods or services.
The academic institution is offering up a free scholarship and board to top applicants.
by www.theweeklydeals.com September 29, 2018
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Another term for makeup sex, where "piece" is for "piece of ass".
You still fighting with your girlfriend?

Nah, she dressed up sexy and made a piece offering last night.

by maximthemagnificent February 22, 2014
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A totally-legitimate-but-unappealing-to-most-people food-selection (like a vegetarian casserole) that a shrewd/miserly citizen brings to a church supper or fundraising luncheon, enabling him to majorly "come out ahead" at the meal --- i.e., he can gluttonously stuff his own face with everyone else's scrumptious offerings, yet not have to actually contribute much of anything himself, since almost nobody else at the gathering will want to dip into the unappetizing food-selection that he brought, and so he can then just smugly take the still-brimming pot home again and polish it all off himself over the next several days. Extra points if the dish also happens to be one that the penny-pincher himself actually finds at least moderately tasty, since he will then not even have to "suffer" much at all while grinningly tucking away the food into his own tummy afterwards.
Ebeneezer Scrooge would always bring a huge steaming pot of mixed vegetables as an ideal potyuck meal offering whenever he attended a town-hall supper or other public dinner --- this was one of his favorite foods, and nobody could object/complain about his perfectly-healthy choice of meal-contribution, but most of the other attendees would hungrily head for the far-more-appealing "meat 'n' potatoes" and "sweet stuff" culinary delights brought in by other citizens, and so Scrooge would be able to totally pig out on these same delicacies to his hearts content, yet never have to actually end up spending much if any money on feeding anyone else because he'd always wind up getting to eat most of the veggie-soup himself sometime afterwards... cleverrrr!!!
by QuacksO October 27, 2017
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