When humidity and dew point conditions are perfect in the Ozark mountains of Missouri, a due sets in that is made from mountain dew. Also, when there is frost here it becomes a mountain dew slushy.
Is there a dew right now?

No theres a mountain dew!

Oh we've reached the Mountain Dew Point!
by Murph-Dirty December 8, 2010
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All the kickass taste and caffeine of Mountain Dew, but with no calories so you can maintain your girlish figure.

See Essence of Late Nights.
Dude, let's pick up some Diet Mountain Dew.
by Lily_of_Geeks August 9, 2009
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An incompetent redneck will only drink beverages such as Budweiser, Cherry Coke, and mainly Mountain Dew. These rednecks tend to be blatantly drunk at any given time, but simultaneously energized by caffeine from energy drinks and of course, Mountain Dew.
Redneck: Whew, go Jeff Gordon!
Civilian: Damn they're annoying
Redneck: Cletus go grab me another six pack of Dew
Civilian 2: Yea, Mountain Dew-shBags too.
by mr.0wl November 20, 2010
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the second best drink ever known to man, being surpassed only by the original mountain dew, which everyone knows is gods nectar handed down to man to quench out thirst when no other beverage will do.
Justin: we have mountain dew supernova.
kevin: profit!
by da jester May 26, 2008
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Replacement for alcohol used by gamers below 18
Liquor's gotten old. Let's try something more addicting like Mountain Dew
by Olive Soose November 21, 2018
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The sweat created between and under a woman's breasts
"It's really hot out ladies, I can feel that Mountain Dew"
by Buckscountybitches May 2, 2015
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a man or women who exchanges sexual favors in return for mountain dew
Betsy gave Joey a blow job at the supermarket because he gave her a bottle of mountain dew, because she is a "mountain dew whore"
by anon4u February 15, 2012
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