Fat McCracken is a guy who is hilarious and has long hair (of which people say makes him look like a girl) But I don't think so. Yet...he is strangely attractive, lol. Yes yes! Very sexy and very cool.
Fat McCracken has a friend named Fat Stasik.

Fat Stasik finds Fat McCracken quite sexy, lol. :-)
by Amy March 15, 2005
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A wanna be skater kid with no talent what so-ever, see poseur
Gus McCracken sucks at skating.
by Jimbob Mccoy October 13, 2004
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One of the worst lead singers in a band besides Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance. Bert McCracken looks like he smells.I wouldn't be surprised if he did. He is the lead singer for one of the worst bands in the world,The Used. The dude is on so much drugs that he can't sit down and be interviewed like a normal person should be.

There is rumors that Bert and Gerard had or are in a relationship. Neither one of them have denyed it.
Some random girl-ISN'T BERT McCRACKEN A SEXY BEAST!!!!!11111

Me-He is about as sexy as a piece of shit.
by SLJ March 30, 2006
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a gay joke. sounds like (BEND OVER AND FILL MY CRACK IN)
Ben Dover and Phil McCracken, please.
by joker4432 June 28, 2011
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The worst smelling school in the world. All the kids who attend the school are crackheads, also known as McCrackheads, according to everyone else. If you go there, this will probably be the worst school you've ever attended.
"What school do you go to"?
"Oliver McCracken Middle School"
"Fuck you McCrackhead"
by Hange Zoe is best girl October 25, 2019
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A school is Spartanburg that is the Only place in SC where Preps and Gangsters can come together peacefully sometimes. The Best friday night football games and class of 2014 in the WORLD!!
Dude did you go to the game the other night? Yeahh it was Beast and the McCracken Junior High School class of 2014 was there. Best. Night. Ever.
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