A term used by English people to generally describe Scottish people in a derogatory fashion (was once a common male nickname within Scotland). It is now considered to verge on racism when used by a non-Scot. The Scottish equivalent for the Irish "Paddy" or "Bog-trotter".
"Those bloody Jocks are at it again with their whinging over the Barnett Formula and North Sea oil revenues."
by Phil McCracken December 3, 2004
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The kid in high school who's parents paid everything for. Generally having poor grades, driving a nice car as if he earned it, hitting on all the slutty girls and getting attention because of his sell-out style and flashy white teeth.
There goes that shit-faced jock in his red sports car again. Probably just got back from another AIDS-infested party.
by Morbidia May 29, 2005
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A guy who participates in sports. Usually an arrogant bastard who is popular. They usually listen to gangster rap and think they are black. They also think the world would blow itself up if they weren't popular and are fucking rich. They usually own ricers, or fast cars that their parents bought them. They usually have a sister that is a chearleeder who is also popular. He usually fucks her and other cheerleaders.

In other words, an arrogant dumbass who thinks he is DA KING OF DA WORLD.
It's the coolest job to me.....
by DJ-BILLZ March 14, 2005
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people who will mess with you in a crowd but wont do shit. just embarrass them once and they'll leave you alone for good. The true pussies of society, really stupid a lot of the time so there easy victims when it comes to crime, need to enjoy high school because life's going to butt fuck them soon enough.
jock 1. dude i am going to fuck with that dude with long hair and the slayer shirt over (aka metal head).
jock 2. yeah do it he seems like a easy target.
jock 1. hey pussy give me your wallet.
metal head. pulls out razor hidden in sleeve at cuts jock 1.
metal head. what did you just learn? give me your wallet pussy and never fucking let me see your face or i cut you up so bad your own mom wont recognize you.
jock 1. Shits pants drops wallet and runs
jock 2. also Shits self and runs.
jocks are all dick suckers
by metalheadstranger December 21, 2010
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to jock; to cop; to copy what one other says or does
1) he just jocked me!
2) Aint jock a nigga like me style
3) Jay is a jock
by sloponaknob88 April 18, 2003
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Someone who gets preferential treatment just because they play sports.
O. J. Simpson was acquitted from two counts of murder b/c he is a jock.

The captain of the football team is a real jock. The principal superseded the English teacher and gave the jock a "D" since he made the winning touchdown in the homecoming game.
by Sudo Nim April 6, 2004
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