A large group murd3rers who like to k1ll women and children and b0mb innocent civilians in Palestine. The IDF are criminals who work for apartheid state Isnotreal and are dedicated to the ethnic cleansing and war crimes against Palestinians.
‘Israeli defences are pussies
by idkyou4444 October 25, 2023
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Someone who has no clue on how to work a PCP Case
Wow, that person is such an Isra at PCP Cases
by Fishboy94 May 20, 2022
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the nicest girl you will ever meet. She is introverted but she is the kindest human being ever. she is smart, beautiful, funny, caring, loving.
she can dance very well, she is fun to hangout with, never fails to cheer someone up.
isra is cool af. if you meet an Isra, make her your friend.
by businessmathematics January 13, 2023
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Isra is better than everyone else, and she knows it. She is so clever and funny even though people might not think so from their first impression of her. She's always worried about something, but that just helps propel her in life. She has gorgeous long hair and pretty eyes, even though she doesn't think so. If you find an Isra don't let her go.
dude #1: omg are you friends with Isra
dude #2: no she seems shy
dude #1: she is but she's really nice and super funny I think you'd like her
by ur.moms.stanky.breath92 November 23, 2021
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“who’s isra?”

“she’s my love
by someoneyoudefinitelyknow November 21, 2021
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isra is everyone else’s superior. she is a tall, gemini, badass bitch with pretty eyes and has amazing taste in everything and is probably the funniest person you will ever meet, loves fictional men and she’s so hot everyone falls at her knees for her and has the best music taste ever. she may be just a little bit self obsessed but nothing wrong with that because everyone else is obsessed with her too and it’s natural when you are that amazing.
‘wow isra can you have my kids
‘omg isra you’re so hot how are u a real person

by totallynotnamedisra November 22, 2021
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Super cute in a red mask , super funny, super haha, super lol, super queen, slay pop off queen, great at bowling, trust issues, only eats granola bar. Wears boots that make her 10x taller than she rlly is.
Isra: mid

Alaina: what..
by Ratatouilleeeeeeeee March 5, 2022
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