Most stupid immature ignorant American teenagers from the 21st century use this word, not to mention young adults, and little kids are starting to use this word. Society has really turned this word into something completely different.Its really annoying when people say it, it makes them look stupid and ignorant.Society basically uses the term gay for replacement of the following words: stupid, dumb, idiotic, lame, imbecile, foolish, dimwitted, moronic, slow, brainless, non-acceptable, and silly.There's are a lot more, but those are the only ones I could think of right now.
Boy: I can't go I have homework.
Girl:OMG that is like soo GAY!

Boy:This show is Gayy!
Boy:Yeah its gAy!

Mother:How was school today?
Girl:It was gayay!
Mother:I'm glad it was joyful for you.
Girl:No mom gay means stupid.
Mother:Oh then why not just use the word fucking stupid,huh?
Girl:Because im like ignorant and im on me gay period!
Mother:Your joyful period?
by Anonymous000000 September 1, 2008
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When a man is attracted sexually and mentally to other men. It has nothing to do with personality or looks, so dumb homophobic teenagers: F*ck off (:
'You're gay because you are a man that has just kissed another man.'
by Alex_Winter March 29, 2017
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The word gay has changed a lot since it arrival in the 12th century. Gay first started out as a word to mean "joyful", "carefree", "bright and showy" but in the 1960s it was converted to a term to define homosexuals' and because of the era it quickly turned into a insult used by middle schoolers. But around 2019 gay has become less of a insult and more of just another way to say homosexual.
Guy1: Bro why are you so close to me are you gay are something
Guy2: Jason we have been dating for 5 YEARS
by V The Trap November 11, 2020
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Cool. Awesome. Wicked sweet. Anything positive.
"Your new shirt is so gay!"

"This new song is gay!"

"Wicked gay!"

"This casserole is so gay!"
by treeclimber79 July 6, 2009
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1. Being happy.

2. Being homosexual.

3. Something that is just stupid.
1. These video games make me gay!

2. My husband and I are gay!

3. That test was so gay.
by SuburbDictionary June 19, 2017
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We truly do not know what it means to be gay but from scientific analysis, we conclude what it means from the Following acronym.

G non gay
Ass and tittiz
Y saxophone
Guy 1: dude, your gay
Guy 2: sjhfkjsadhfkljsdahflkjsdahjkfhsdailujcfhasjdlkhfsludfhlsjdkhf
by Booty blaster November 10, 2017
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1: Sai is gay
2: Do you mean happy?
3: What else would i mean?
by Yllomhej April 18, 2023
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