French money that is now obselete thanks to the Euro.
Bob: Hey, can I have some francs?
Pierre: For what?
Bob: Kindeling.
by Zach G. December 6, 2003
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Country that America hates but will try to become friends with after the problems with Iraq are over.
by Anonymous July 10, 2003
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OK, France and America fell out over Iraq, but if they're good friends, can't they patch it up? Far out, these two countries used to be so close, so I think it is at least possible instead of all this constant France-bashing and vice versa. People who do that shit, I have one thing to say. Grow up.
American: I think we should patch up our quarrel with France.
2nd American: Good idea, there weren't any WMD's anyway, that fucktard Bush made it up the fag!
by flightguy September 18, 2005
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1) A Western European nation. Located slightly beneath Britain, in most or all senses.
2) Produces nice wine.
3) Produces nice cheese.
4) Produces shedloads of nuclear weapons, which are happily tested on small Pacific atolls home to endangered species of fish and pygmies.
5) The number one source of irritation for the rest of Europe. This manages to go unnoticed by many Americans, who assume the continent is a single amorphous blob.
6) Also the number one source of contention for the United States, having replaced the Soviet Union.
7) Has an annoying accent.
8) Dislikes British beef. This, as theory and experiment have shown, is due to France's argumentative and overly vegetarian wussiness and has nothing whatsoever to do with life-threatening brain disease.
9) Dislikes Germany, for invading it repeatedly and being German.
10) Dislikes Britain for constant warfare, political disagreement and out of habit.
11) Dislikes the United States for its competition in the 'irritating accents' league table and also for having more nuclear weapons and cheese than France.
12) Dislikes.... well, most things, actually.
13) Is a thoroughly splendid country.
14) Is filled with thoroughly un-splendid French people.
"Oh hell. France has blocked the channel tunnel again."
by victorhadin March 25, 2003
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Acronym for
Friendship Remains And Never Can End
enemy? whose enemy??
by Van Bria March 2, 2005
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A country that is hated by the US and apparently, Britain. Fought in WW2 and was subsequently defeated by the Nazis. Liberated by Allied forces in 1944, and are known to be less hygenic than Americans. Good cheese and wine, but they smoke too much. Oh and 9/11? Biggest tragedy ever? Like hell. Look at the Holocaust (6 million), American incursions against Native Americans (12 million) but I'm not going to include American attacks on Japan during WW2 because that was wartime and in my opinion, perfectly justified.
Sorry if this became a rant against some redneck idiot.
by Militant Liberal April 29, 2005
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A country that used to be good friends with america, they gave us troops in the revolution and the Statue of Liberty, we saved France and many of the Jews in france from the Germans in 1944, with the help of British, canadian, australian foces, not to mention French resistance forces

But now we hate eachother, don't know why....whatever happened to "friends help friends out" and when the other friend says no to something we start a propganda campaign, in return the other friends people have anti-american rallies.
by Brian Johnson August 30, 2003
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