a weird creature of some sort
"Run away, I think he is a Tommy Bui"
by SITZY October 19, 2017
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An athletic handsome man of extraordinary intelligence with amazing fortitude.
Hey man,

You are crazy gifted! Are you a david bui or what?
by Acersss July 11, 2010
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Guy 1:Oh man, I hope my ex-girlfriend doesn't find me!
Guy 2: Buy a dog.
by danthaman15 June 17, 2009
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Someone who gets turned on by, or derives sexual pleasure from, shopping, or being taken shopping.
(1) Taneequah: Yo, Shaneequah ain't gettin' none, so she went out to the mall and picked up 23 new outfits and a X-Box.

Sharonda: You trippin'. That bitch be buy-sexual all up in herrrrrrre.

(2) Chad: I say, I do believe Edward took Muffy out shopping for jewelry this past week-end, at the conclusion of which, she did give up the booty.

Sheldon: Mmm, QUITE the buy-sexual, wouldn't you say?
by President Warren G. Harding April 23, 2010
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"shut up" "screw you" "eat shit" "stupid" "jackass" "idiot" "moron" The phrase is used or can be used in lieu of a bad word or insult. The phrase can also be used in situations where you don't want to directly insult someone but want to express a feeling of annoyance or discontent..
Your sister asks to borrow your sweater. You know she will never return it. You simply respond with the phrase "go buy it." meaning hell no!

Someone comes up to you and tells you that you did a poor parking job...you can simply reply with the phrase "go buy it." Meaning F-off or F-You.

A co-worker is telling everyone in the office how he/she received the best overall evaluation score. You are annoyed at their tone of voice or insinuation that you aren’t as good. You can simply say "go buy it."
by gobuyit April 14, 2009
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a state of indecision when deciding to make a purchase or trying to decide between two items.
Man: Hurry up the movie is about to start!

Woman: I'm coming, I just can't decide what drink to get.

Man: You are so buy-polar.
by sotonrich February 19, 2009
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(adjective) {bahy-iung/tekst-books}
A sadistict torture ritual performed by most colleges and universities upon students. After paying a fortune in money they dont have for tutition, students are required to shell out more for "required reading material" they will never touch because they have the internet. The act of purchasing these books is easily comparible to smacking ones-self in the face with a brick. buying them offline is a know way to ease the pain of buying textbooks, but its still a pain in the a**.
Person 1: "what are you doing"
Person 2: "buying textbooks for school"
Person 1: "use amazon, and heres a brick- it might make things less painful"
by Vanderhouvvven January 15, 2011
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