1. A short cigar, usually wider in diameter.
2. A mixture of tobacco and weed rolled in a "blunt wrap" to look like a cigar. This term lost it's meaning about 5 years ago, now many people roll blunts with just weed and no tobacco, usually resulting in a skinny looking cigar, (unless you roll big).
3. A joint rolled with the paper or leaf wrapper of a cigar.
"yo think big J pick us up some blunts to go wit this chron?"
by derek November 19, 2003
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how hard can it be its a cigar with mari-j-uana in it damn you people just smoke the damn thing and get it over with!!!
if it doesnt stick to your fingers your are smoking some weird ass shit (probably oregano)... blunts are the only way to get high man and you should know that
by sir smoke alot:) May 1, 2003
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what you want when you're high
what you never have when you're high
what you realize wasn't really worth it when you're sober
pothead: i wish we had some blunts right now man.
noob: whats wrong with a few more bowl packs?
pothead: blunts are badass man, fucking get with it
noob: word
pothead: don't use that word again or ima shoot yo ass
by blazefiend April 21, 2008
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weed rolled up into a tabacco leaf
come over here and hit me up with a blunt
by linzi & celia June 1, 2003
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A state achieved after smoking excessive amounts of marijuana, resulting in one's movement being noticeably restricted.
"Mate are you OK?"

"Man, I'm so blunted! I hit that bong too hard man!"
by nicomate! July 29, 2009
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1) (1.4g-2g) Marijuana, usually $10,$15 if your dealer is pricy.
2) Cigar, Dutch cut open and emptied of tobacco and refilled and rolled with marijuana.
1) Guy 1 - "Can I buy a blunt?"
Guy 2 - "Yea, $10"
2) Guy 1 - "Lets roll a blunt"
Guy 2 - "Lets go get some weed and a dutch"
by BRSVB February 4, 2007
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