
high as a muthafucka, after smoking a blunt
"Me and my man got blunted"
That cat is blunted!
by ImmaculateMatt March 5, 2003
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The act of being so stonned you cant talk to anyone about anything.
Dude: You sure you're ok
Me: .......
Dude :?
Me: .....
Dude: Man you're blunted
by bluntedbitch May 30, 2017
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being under the influence of marijuana after the use of what is called a blunt, or cigar paper filled with bud.
stoner 1: how are you feelin?

stoner 2: man im so blunted.
by stylin rta December 26, 2006
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1. Although a verb, it is actually the the inability to take action
2. The result of being so high from smoking a blunt you can no longer perform physical activity
3. Associated with the inability to close the jaw and keep eyelids open.
Bob - "Hey can you give me a hand with these dishes?"
Blunted individual - "Whaaaa............ too blunted man"
by kaicrowe September 29, 2011
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noun: blunt; plural noun: blunts
a hollowed-out cigar filled with cannabis.
Adam: Pass me the blunt dude.

James: OK bro!
by CannabisKings April 3, 2019
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When a person is blunt, just remember; they are not joking, and they prefer not to try and edge it around to make it sound easy. They tell it straight, and will always tell it straight. Even if your feelings are gonna be hurt, who gives a damn, take it like a wo/man.
Troy: Damn, I guess that was pretty blunt how John told that girl he didn't want to go out with her.

Jake, (Blunt Person): Who gives a fuck? It was online anyway.
by Jay RH February 5, 2013
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1. to be straight up about something
2. to be honest even though it might hurt you
1. in sorry to be so blunt but you got to realize that he doesnt care about any of your feelings.
by melinda123 February 20, 2007
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