119 definitions by derek

An engaging and attractive automaton, typically designed by a reclusive scientist, created with the purpose of seducing women via webcam chat rooms.
Seduction Bot: I think you're really pretty.
<Scientist enters frame with enthusiastically flowery hand movements before chat ends>
Girl: What? <Leaves chat>
by derek May 8, 2008
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mmmmmm delicious cancer sticks that have kept many people from dying
man im gonna kill someone if i dont get a smoke soon
by derek July 25, 2004
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the state of being unbelievably crumbly, or just unbelievable
Steve: So how's the army treatin' ya?
Derek: It's good, real good.
Steve: Crumbelievable!
by derek May 21, 2006
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A concept outside America that is used commonly as a slogan among enviromentalists, some politicians and the like. Recycling is when someone takes used paper, tin cans, milk jugs and the like to a recycling bin so it can be cruched down by machines to be a new product. However a few of the posters here tend to use it as a sex term. And oh a decent source of cash if you need that few extra cents.
Jerry stole the bottles in the recycle bin in his school and traded it off at the recycling center so he could get a few extra dollars.
by derek October 30, 2005
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The act of poopstanding, or standing erect while pooping instead of sitting on a toilet. The poopstander stands with his anus aimed at the toilet and poops. Although a bit unorthadox, this has become very popular among young teenagers.
An example of a poopstander is Ryan Freeman who can often be found in the Fenwick boys bathroom standing up while pooping.
by derek April 7, 2003
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The way that you walk when your balls are to the wall.
"I skreeted along, balls-to-the-wall."
by derek August 30, 2004
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Slang for a male penis. Used as an appropriate backup when the alternate term "Cock" can be perceived as unacceptable within a certain environment.
"Out of the way you KOTCH!"
"Look at this kotch cutting the line!"
"I took a shot to the kotch Mike!"
by derek March 28, 2003
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