An old guy who forgets he's a president, likes children, loves sniffing little girls hair. "she was 12, i was 30, but anyway" - Joe Biden
Don't be like Joe Biden
by tog6y u7,.g7ucfdx May 20, 2023
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the current(at time of posting) far left and socialist president of the united states. first a senator then vp, Biden is known for his gaffes galore, claiming all black people are poor(that is false as kanye west as shown us) and so on. A racist, anti free speech advocate, anti free will and anti property rights advocate to boot too, and is pretty much borderline anti free economic freedom
don't vote for Joe Biden again in 2024-vote for Justin Amash-the only candidate who will respect our rights and freedoms of ALL americans
by Libertypedia May 23, 2023
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joe biden is a child sniffer piece of shit and he is gay as fuck
by okk65575 November 6, 2020
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He's a pedantic, pontificating, pretentious bastard, a belligerent old fart, a worthless steaming pile of cow dung... (figuratively speaking)

Oh, I mean- the 46th President of the United States, at least, that's what the Left says.

Find another definition for more details, I can't be bothered to do it myself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Joe Biden: We choose TRUTH over FACTS!

Joe Biden: If you have trouble siding with me or Trump, then you ain't Black!

Barack Obama: Never underestimate Joe's ability to f*ck things up.
by Hank S. August 10, 2022
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A Pedophile who sniff the hair children
Brian: This dude named joe biden tried to get me in his white unmarked van
by FatCuntBluntBitch September 6, 2020
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Political economy rights to America
Joe Biden is that something you get at Denny's
by Kingofdick December 10, 2020
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