Attending two or more professional sporting events in a single day. Drinking is often observed.
We're seeing the Nats on Opening Day and the Caps later that night - Super Sports Day!
by studley March 31, 2016
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Someone who catches their sperm after masturbating and throws it.
You can tell he's an accomplished sport fisherman by how many cum stains are on his ceiling.
by Professor cum bubbler September 1, 2019
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a man that used to have a trampoline but now is a professional cup pong loser
by riodej October 11, 2019
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Catching your cum after jacking off and throwing it away
Sport fishing requires quick reflexes and strong cleaners.
by Professor cum bubbler September 1, 2019
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Over zealous fan(s) of a sports team who dress in costume(wigs, body paint, etc...) and appear in public,or at the sports event to show support for their favored team.
I really wanted to hang out with Biff after the game, but he was dressed in all that sports drag! I was totally embarrassed!
by Kiki Kaschube June 3, 2007
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A term used to describe someone, usually someone younger, who thinks they know something but their understanding is very basic or wrong.
Example 1
Son- Being a doctor is easy. You don’t need a degree just google what’s wrong with them and write a prescription.

Father- Hold on there sports fan. It’s a little bit more complicated than that.

Example 2
Friend 1 - Man,,, That old MF tryin to tell me how to box. He don’t know shit switch his old ass.

Friend 2 - Ok sports fan,,,, you do know that old MF was Mike Tyson right?
by Supascience September 3, 2021
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This is possible the WORST subject you could ever choose at GCSE if you’re thinking of choosing this as one of your options DON’T!! I’ve never sat through so many hours of boringness in all my life.. people think “oh I’ll take sports studies so I do more sport” you get two more lessons extra of PE in two weeks.. the work is boring and hard and you’ll probably fail it unless you’re incredibly smart.. I would change this subject if I could!!
William: “What Do You Think Of Sports Studies?”

John: “Sports studies is so bad don’t take it as a subject for GCSE!”
by _Urban.dictionary_official_ October 21, 2021
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