To not succeed in a venture or activity. Various permutations of the phrase can be turned into almost any part of speech.
<Cyb> my bin2hex function is failing it
<mewse> you fail it
<Linguica> failure of it indeed
by Linguica November 7, 2002
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To fail at failing is to fail so horrbily that you are the king of all things fail. This is not a double-negative, you just suck! It is also consider 386 times more fail than an Epic Fail.
1. Jim: Dude I totaly just crashed my car onto my roof!

Gary: Wow man you fail at failing!

2. Gary: Jim got a -72 points on his english test.

Rick: Wow he fails at failing!
by Kamakazai November 11, 2009
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Dad: Hey son, did you check your Electronic Mail? I sent you one of those hilarious fails! Haha!

Son: You just sent me a completely fail-free picture with absolutely no evident presence of even a hint of fail. Fail Fail!
by urbandictionaryroxlol May 18, 2010
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either an interjection used when one disapproves of something, or a verb meaning approximately the same thing as the slang form of suck.
1 "you actually bought that? FAIL"
2 "this movie fails."
by jack July 22, 2003
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Somthing that contains or emits fail so you can laugh at it
" Man have you seen, Its soo funny."

" Yo have you seen Carlo's new whip, it reaks of Failness"
by Ruckusman333 May 6, 2009
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A baseball player swings at a ball and the ball instead hits him in the groin. FAIL!
by elliott113 February 15, 2008
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