A hangover or stomach bug that is so violent it causes a person to shit and puke at the same time. Inspired by a friend who was so hungover in Florence that she was sitting on the toilet shitting while puking into the bidet.
The kids had a stomach but but when they gave it to me it was the Florence Flu.
by florenceflu November 3, 2022
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When, say, a pandemic has us all mentally unstable and the government is like a small child lost in a supermarket. Winter brings a new variant and again, tighter protocols. Science is advancing apace and it yet it feels awfully like one year ago since...(often around Xmas time in northern hemisphere Winters).
"I see on the news we're back to masks-on again...hold on, wait juuuust a minute, oooh, er, I just had deja-flu!"
by Diogenetics January 2, 2022
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when you IMMEDIATELY catch a cold/flu etc after recovering
I can't believe I got sick again. talk about Deja Flu
by Staedtler Berol September 28, 2022
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The eerie feeling that one has experienced this pandemic before.
I just read that exactly a century ago, Spanish Flu raged across the world. The pandemic was followed by The Roaring Twenties, The Great Depression and World War 2. I'm getting a distinct sense of déja flu.
by TheVivisector February 11, 2021
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When you are sick with the flu but you check the look to make sure it’s still on point. Complete with a little ‘Blue Steel’ thrown in at the end. Best when observed by someone else.
Okay Flu-Lander you just puked your guts out - put the blue steel pose away and get back to bed.
by Kabbo March 8, 2018
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A sickness that is passed around after attending a club on clematis street in west palm beach Florida
John, “oh nahhh bro I got the Clem flu after this weekend I heard it’s going around”

Chris, “stay away from me bro you’re gonna be sick for weeks”
by Suzy Swine October 24, 2023
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like you’re weird , sick asf/cut asf ,🥴
bro you’re flu asf gtfoo😂
by thefamoussswordcreator January 27, 2020
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