3 definitions by TheVivisector

The unit measurement of an individual’s ability to grasp highly sophisticated and esoteric subject matter. Literally: "ton of mols ie great amount of molecular mass".
“She just figured out the physics of a wormhole using an abacus. Her mind must contain like a million moltons.” Or: “That guy can’t find his ass with both hands. Must have a completely molton-free brain.”
by TheVivisector October 29, 2014
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A blowjob so epic it results in complete cardiac arrest. Portmanteau of "defibrillation" and "fellatio".
Dude, that wasn't just fellatio, that was defibrillatio. I swear when I came my heart like totally stopped beating or exploded or something.
by TheVivisector October 29, 2015
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The eerie feeling that one has experienced this pandemic before.
I just read that exactly a century ago, Spanish Flu raged across the world. The pandemic was followed by The Roaring Twenties, The Great Depression and World War 2. I'm getting a distinct sense of déja flu.
by TheVivisector February 11, 2021
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