Wal Mart,Win Dixie,Mc Donalds,Waffle House,or any place rednecks congragate.
Do we have to go shop at Wal Mart today.That place is a White Trash Club Med.
by RTBSTRD November 4, 2013
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What you call the meth lab in GTA V.
Person 1: I earned $10,000,000 from my Walter White Lab yesterday!
Person 2: In GTA V?
Person 1: No...
Person 2: Where?
Person 1: In real life.
Person 2: Oh...
Person 1: ...
Person 2: ...
Person 1: ...
Person 2: ... Can I have some?
by SigmaChad3000 June 6, 2024
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A fat wannabe gangster who jacks crip typically from NY upstate area
That’s such a Matt white
by Ogbobby2005 February 12, 2022
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Kerstin Sauerbrei- A teenager with no kids but is still the average white Mom. Thinks she will be a hot milf, has leapard clothing and has many sparkles. Where’s white mom outfits everyday and just acts like a white mother.
by Bigtug26 April 22, 2022
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When one wears a collared shirt and gym shorts out in public.
Dude, do you think i should dress up to go out or should I️ go White guy causal
by HostilePikachu November 10, 2017
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Average zoomer wearing just black or/and white clothes.
Person 1: How come everyone wears black and white? Are they some kind of black and white normies?
Person 2: I don't know. *Looks at own clothes*. Bright clothing stands out, and it makes you noticeable, and it doesn't blend in with the norm.
Person 1: And? Are people afraid to stand out? Wear what you want and ignore what others say. How you show yourself is how people will treat you.
by Some Finnish guy September 10, 2021
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A very amazing person who gets all the girls but doesn't like to date anyone.
by Turtle1290 February 17, 2018
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