someone who enjoys life to the fullest, does anything for friends at anytime,anywhere, anyhow, supplies house and children with all they need during pub's closed hours only.
Always the happiest and loudest in the pub. Never arguementive unless provoked and then able to deal with the problem without being ejected from hotel.
Often used as a form of abuse hurled from 16 year old daughters that think they know everything. As in: "Your never home, you never do anything, You are nothing but a pissed spastic, and where are MY sunglasses?"
by Kate Webster September 22, 2006
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Cunt-spastic (adjective-noun), a person or persons (cunt-spastics) who ignored social distancing rules during the United Kingdom lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic and routinely and knowingly broke the 2m rule for coming within 2metres of a person that is not a part of their household.
Not to be confused with the term spastic joey as this merely refers to a person who is broken.
Where particular emphasis needs to made simply adding the word fucking will work well, there are many adaptions for this and would work well in many regional dialects.
Our lass, look at those cunt-spastics standing outside that shop
Step away from my shopping trolley you cunt-spastic
No! I will not massage your genitals, I've never met you before you cunt-spastic
by DampDavy April 24, 2020
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its pretty much just for kids named

Dave: did you hear, Archie is a spastic?
Igor: But yeah i am too!
by Definitely not Al May 2, 2021
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an asian that spazzes over hoopers, grades, nonsense drama, and dinosaurs.
why wendius! would you look at that spastic asian dinosaur!
by victoria kkk. September 18, 2006
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One of those people that have shakey hands and drinking coffee all the time andtalkinglikethisallthetime. Plus, they could use some tranquelizers.
Andy in a spastic freak, he keeps on spilling his coffee.
by David April 25, 2003
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1.a famous celebrity who is made out of plastic.

2.a derrogatory word for anyone when you're trying to sound cool, a trick i learnt at school whilst playing pool, you fool cool mool. you tool

Grow up you plastic spastic.

He was a plastic are completely fucking plastic spastic.

You are a plasic spastic.
by No, your name. September 28, 2005
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