A group of over rated fuck boys who drive squatted shitboxes , who think they own raeford/Fayetteville, can find them having a circle jerk in your local parking lot every night, revving their trucks till their pos 5.3’s blow up and wonder why their truck is broke down...
Oh look the simply rollin fags having a circle jerk!

There’s those squatted shit boxes again looking like they squat on cock..
by CAROLINASQUATHATER2017 August 24, 2020
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A wonderful comic done by a teenage boy. Well-drawn and funny as hell. You can tell the artist puts a lot of work into it, and in my personal opinion they should publish their work.
Girl: Have you read the new update of Simply Sugarfree?
Boy: No, is it good?
Girl: Gosh, it's the best thing ever!
by DaBoss:) October 15, 2009
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Taken from Lidl’s simply selection. This expression defines one’s excitement. When something is so good, it just feels like it can only be described with a shortened Gorgeous.
Hunny, ur ass was simply gorj last night.

“Hey, do you wanna go to the club tonight?” “Simply Gorj
by Minty Tramp2 August 2, 2023
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A typo.
Simplilearn wanted to say simply learn but accidentally hit the I instead of y.
by i eat uranium fuel rods May 17, 2023
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1. An adjective used to describe a person or thing
2. Slang for a cunt
by Some Plebing Person December 17, 2017
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by HolyKnightJay November 24, 2021
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