Having well-defined muscles.
"We trying to get you ripped!" said the PE coach.
by Marty September 15, 2003
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Someone whom is physically perfect. As in muscular.
Mike was looking positively ripped today!
by katherined March 15, 2005
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We were so ripped afetr the party
by s September 15, 2003
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to tear, by accident also a name for farting,
shit i ripped my shirt on that nail,
or to fart " fuck i ripped one out then" violent fart that could rip your boxer shorts/sphincter
by zabba September 15, 2003
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1) to have large muscles; or to allude to having them, regardless of the truth
2) to be taken advantage of in a business dealing (a shortened form of ripped off)
3) to extract music from a CD to a computer
1) Check it out! (flex) I'm ripped!
2) Dude, we got totally ripped.
3) Check out this MP3 I ripped!
by nobody really September 9, 2003
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Copy off, plagerized, etc. off another object made by someone else.
That kid ripped his design off that girl.
by james September 13, 2003
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Man, you see his abs? He's ripped!
by LeAnne Christoffel September 10, 2003
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