To wear clothing, accessories, or physical features (i.e. pale skin) with confidence.
"I was a little nervous about wearing such unconservative trousers, but I decided I just gotta own that shit."
by DeltaMouse December 31, 2005
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A way to say "this kicks ass/this rocks" using common internet slang
My pc owns, it's got a p4 processor in it
by Brian October 12, 2003
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A phrase that can be given to nearly all good situations. 'OWN THAT'!

A person who is cool.

Steve, Carla and Joel are going to Magaluf, OWN IT!!
by Stephenslinn June 7, 2007
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when a girl named faith undeniably beats you in cow racing on the wii
by anna laker February 3, 2023
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The definintion of the outcome of one poor soul being out-witted in some shape or form by another, more clever and overall better being.
Megan Steele - "I just hijakced your Bebo"
Mowg - "Well your on Urban Dictionary"
Megan Steele - "Wit?"
Mowg - "OWNED. Now MOWG OFF =))!"
by Mowg_FTW May 11, 2009
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to be especially better at something than another.
Martina owns all of you.
by Martina Giselle July 21, 2006
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when one disses one another so hard that for a breif moment, it was as if they legally owned that person.
Step dad: Eat your supper.
StepChild: You're not my dad.
Brother: Owned.
by 9aBe July 26, 2008
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