Jugment Yard was established as a community center in August Town, suburb of Kingston, Jamaica by Sizzla Kalonji.
Although Judgement Yard is an organization of sorts, it is also a geographic location located at 42 August Town Road, which is where Sizzla maintains one of his residences. Judgement Yard is also the home of Kalonji's state of the art studio, as well as his record label, Kalonji Records.
As the owner and founder of the Yard, Kalonji is responsible for many youths in the community of August Town, as well as youths who come from other areas to seek assistance and guidance in life as well as music. Many of these same youths who are members of Judgement Yard fraternity are musicians or have some direct affiliation with the music through production works, artiste works, etc.
Wow ! Sizzla Is The Founder Of The Judgment Yard !
coool !
by Sizzla Kalonji,Sizzla,Kingston November 7, 2010
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To drive through somones lawn, spining the tires in it and causing damage to the yard.
Steve gave Matt a great Yard Job last night after the game.
by Colin April 12, 2004
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The area of grass between the curb and the sidewalk.
Hey Bobby! You're grass is looking really green, especially in your yard taint.
by Johnny Yardrocks March 23, 2005
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Name given to firefighters who mask up and breath air from their air packs before they are even out of the truck or close to the actual structure fire. Common to see new firefighters going "on air" before it is necessary.
Did you see him getting off the truck already on air? What a yard breather.
by rcovfd September 17, 2010
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Yard Dandruff is the grass clippings, leaves, pods, seeds and other materials that get stuck to your dog's fur and then are deposited all over your house. The condition is worst in the Spring and Fall.
"What is all that crap all over the couch? It hurts to sit there."

"That's just yard dandruff. Ripley has been rolling in the seed pods again."
by PsychoPuppyDad May 26, 2014
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To write or say something particularly tasteless, offensive or out-of-touch without even realizing it. Originates from Deadspin's coverage of sports columnist Mark Whicker's piece about the wacky things that happened in the sports world while recently-found kidnapping victim Jaycee Dugard spent 18 years living in a shed.

Whicker signed off the piece with two of the worst sentences ever written: "Congratulations, Jaycee. You left the yard."
- Did you read that Bill Simmons column comparing Tiger Woods' sex scandal to Muhammad Ali refusing to fight in Vietnam?

- Yeah, he really did leave the yard on that one.
by leitchleech March 5, 2010
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Jamaican slang for a housing area that is generally poor or undeveloped
shanty towns in Jamaica or Jamaican ghetto

reggae lyrics "Dreadlocks can't live in a tenement yard!" from Jamaican Reggae artist Jacob Miller
by rootsreggaerespect March 7, 2011
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