A play on emotional damage.
When you get hit by something fast moving and it damages you
He got hit be a train, he has motional damage
by The-froginator March 28, 2022
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It's the back and forth motion of a porky rod or a sausage.

Easily mistaken for perpetual (motion).
Dude did you see the sausage rolling yesterday.

Hell yeah dude, that was some serious porkpetual (motion).
by Pöspi maxi November 4, 2019
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Motion Thickness is when you are riding along in a vehicle and you start to get a woody from the vibration of the vehicle
by Motion thickness March 7, 2014
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Peeing on someone's face while in an extremely cold climate so the pee freezes before it hits their face.
Dude, I got a frozen motion last night and it hit me in the eye.
by IPreferWellFed July 27, 2006
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one who is always late in everything he does.(Jason)
What the fuck Slow Motion, i thought i told you the next time you were late to work I was going to make you lick shelleys cottage cheese ass.
by JTD April 14, 2005
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to be so horny you will fuck anything that moves
dude stop humping my cat sorry man i have motion-sexness
by platipuss May 2, 2008
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