A large spike in the Jewish population of a certain area. It is a mix of the word Jew and the word Nuke.
“Damn man Brooklyn was the shit back in the day before the whole borough juked the fuck up!”
by KipDefinitions January 30, 2018
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it's when you're drunk enough you puke, but also drunk enough to think someone's hot and jizz yourself
guy #1: dude you got wasted
guy #2: yeah, i think i was juking over this girl
by MrDP August 16, 2010
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Commonly referred to as a a type of grindin(dance). Others, like myself, refer to it as a sweet move, a way to get out of something, or faking someone out hard core. If you steal something from a store, you totally juked the hell out of the store.
Dude, I totally juked the hell out of Hank, I told him I was going to the store, then came here!

Oh man! He got owned! That is some sweet jukin you did, you should get money..
by Magic January 23, 2005
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to randomely jump in front of a stranger while they are walking and yell "JUKE!" then running off.
by Joe E June 19, 2005
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To ejaculate into ones mouth, and cause it to squirt out ones eyes by slapping the back of the head repeatedly.
Jason and Bubba like to juke with one another.
by shawn_the_maniac September 6, 2008
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To jam it up someones ass without lube
Andre got juked my Disel in Prison.
by Woo! August 11, 2004
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Broken, messed-up, nonfunctional.
Man, my CD player is totally juked after I dropped it.
by ethan May 7, 2004
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