I mean some big bahongas, now some real large honkers, some fat fucking badonagas, some ginormous bahongamajongas
by Niggerman 8008 June 11, 2021
n. A day in which all you do is eat. Usually a planned feast after a night of drinking. Closely related, or done in conjunction with Playing Hospice. Too many calories consumed througout the day make you fee like a big fat fuck.
Oh man! I can't wait for the big fat fuck-a-thon we are going to have all day on Sunday! After a weekend of binge drinking, there will be nothing better than eating everything in sight. Perhaps we can have our big fat fuck-a-thon while we are playing hospice!
by Big Fat Fuck May 6, 2009
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A coworkers definition of the lazy stinky and annoying worker
"That fat fucking bloated toad didn't take out the trash OR wear deodorant"
by Allhailtheglowcloud February 8, 2018
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He looks like a fucking meatball. He is the fattest person on earth. When you zoom into the google maps You see Conor.
He is slower than a granny who is 196 years old. He is the person I hate the most.
Conor da fat fuck is playing football and trying to run but with the speed of walking.
by Conor hater November 26, 2018
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(exclamation): An alternative form of the phrase "Jesus Titty-Fucking Christ," often used in response to intense anger, surprise, or joy by those who are more scientifically-oriented. Also used by those who have made the observation that tits are no more than blobs of fat on a woman's chest, and there's really no reason why men should be attracted to them.
"Jesus Lumps-of-Fat-Fucking Christ Batman!" Robin exclaimed in exalting joy. "I believe the phrase is 'Jesus Titty-Fucking Christ,' and there's no reason for you to be yelling random expletives in the batcave--you remember what I said about using the Lord's name in vain" Batman wryly replied, a small smirk slowly sliding up his weathered cheeks. "Oh please, Batman," Robin replied, "that's so vulgar of you--we both know that 'titty' is such a silly word. And besides, what purpose is there in having sex with two lumps of fat? Shouldn't we just be honest about it? It's absurd." Robin stated very matter-of-factly. "Alright," Batman replied, "just don't come crying to me with your tightpants pulled clear up your ass when you go asking some girl if you can touch her lumps of fat."
by Jesus Tits January 19, 2007
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