A number greater than 88.
"196 > 88"
by 196IsGreaterThan88 June 17, 2020
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I haven't been the same since I moved to 196.
by notdubMass January 19, 2021
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196 is a trans circlejerk community on reddit made famous by its annoying members and cringe memes
“the 196er was pissed after finding out I was straight and not trans
by thatrealhomie August 4, 2023
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A subreddit that gained popularity due to only having one rule, which is to post before leaving. The sub started after it's predecessor, r/195, was shut down by the moderators.
Don't forget to post on r/196 before leaving!
by Abshdjfjfngjchfh October 8, 2021
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The apartment of awesome, home of MUG, Spronkus Kronkus, and everyone's favorite Floppa.
goblinhog: please you guys no more porn on r/196
anarcho-stripperism: pweez daddy let me fuck cakes on camera
goblinhog: oh ok you little scamp
by cakefucker June 22, 2022
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A decent shitposting subreddit with surprisingly-low levels of toxicity and transphobia, all centered around one rule: If you visit the subreddit, you MUST make a post before you leave. This tends to make the memes have variety, as you are required to post even when you don't have a particular meme at the ready, requiring you to pick from whatever you have on hand.
Friend 1: I'm bored. Any subreddits you recommend?
Friend 2: r/196 is a good one.
by Voxel Roguery October 8, 2021
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r/196 is a subreddit with no rules with the exception that you must post before you leave. It draws ire from other subreddits due to its leftist attitude and because it attacks other subreddits that go against this leftist idea.
"I get all my memes for r/196"
by theblurone October 7, 2021
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