68 definitions by Breaking dancing on cardboard

To be on steroids that develops your muscles to exaggeration
Man did you see that guy’s biceps, we must be on rhoids.
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Hey man I am ready to go to the club. Let’s go. Are you guns up?
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A trip or a journey. To go some where. To get going
Let’s hit the road, I am ready to go
by Breaking dancing on cardboard December 20, 2019
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Being resentful because some has had their COVID-19 vaccinations and you have not
I was going to take my at vaccinated grandpa to the store but he can take himself. I have Vaccine envy. He is better protected than me.
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Describes someone that is a sharp or stylish dresser. Derived from clothing which is sometimes called Rags
Did you she Johnny’s leather trench coat? That dude is always ragging.
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Referring to a place or situation dominated by men or males
I went to the club on ladies night to hook up and it was a mandemic inside. Three females 59 dudes
by Breaking dancing on cardboard October 11, 2020
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