When you get sick of endless unnecessary software updates.
I've got a major case of software burnout. Just as I learn CS3, they came out with CS4. They're just trying to make more money.
by tommco December 14, 2009
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First off you have to have and all wheel drive vehicle, car or truck. The objective is to rev high enough and dump the clutch or let off the brake with a intense and awesome joyride finale.
Dude have you ever experienced awd burnouts? No. Hold on...Engine revs..."ahhh holy shit" yeah dude that was awesome right? ... No holy shit we are getting pulled over... Fuck my life... again
by BabyHerc August 20, 2011
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The sexual act of sitting on your partners face and forcing out a large shit, all while slowly rotating and farting, smearing it into the face.
Guy 1: "Yo! How was your night with Veronica?"

Guy 2: "It was amazing! The bitch let me pull a Vietnamese Burnout!"

Guy1: "Radical!"
by TjCracker November 16, 2017
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When you try do something everyday/night in a holiday period but never actually end up doing anything interesting, resulting in boredom and extreme bad moods about going out in general
(at the end of a holiday)
Guy 1: you fancy coming out tonight mate?
Guy 2: obviously not, we've already reached holiday burnout, what makes you think we'll think of something to do tonight?!
by BulletTom April 30, 2011
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The ultimate fate of any meme that achieves total hegemony. With no countermeme to struggle against, the original meme fades away due to disuse. For example, if smoking were actually stamped out, with no smokers left, smoking would have room to eventually rise again since the antismoking meme would have been forgotten.
The urge to ban landmines underwent normative burnout one hundred years after all countries had disposed of their last mine stockpiles, causing some nations to begin experimenting with buried antipersonnel explosives fifty years thereafter. It was an idea old enough to seem new.
by Paul Fallavollita November 30, 2006
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when children who were once considered the "gifted" or "smart" kids in class grow up to underperform academically and (likely) socially. the kid who actually liked doing homework and got all A's when they were nine but by sixteen aren't doing well in school and often feel crushing disappointment at the loss of approval teachers and parents once gave them. often have problems socializing, have poor mental health, and resort to drinking/drugs/other forms of escapism. usually really smart, but still do poorly/average in school.
amanda: didn't you used to get straight A's? what happened?

angela: i started underperforming and because my entire self-esteem rested on my grades so now i have no idea what to do lol anyway now i'm a gifted kid burnout
by giftedkidburnout January 12, 2018
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a burnout so fucking big that you cant see anything for miles
"Frankie just did a john force burnout in shit car"
by xgstxguyx June 24, 2006
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