The ambulance service of New South Wales in Australia. It is one of the best in the world, and has over 4000 employees.
Person 1: I got into a car accident a year ago, and broke my neck.

Person 2: No way! What happened?

Person 1: It was OK, though. I had NSW Ambulance on my side.
by bibbiesayshi December 17, 2014
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A lawyer that specializes in retaining clients based on their injuries sustained from a car wreck; even if there were not any real injuries.
That damn attorney is nothing but an ambulance chaser. He has his client wearing a soft cervical collar even though they don't have a neck injury.
by Night.ER.Ninja July 28, 2014
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a lawyer who hastens to reach the scene of an accident in the hope he can be hired by the affected party.
Smith does not have enough cases to prosecute, so he decided to be an ambulance chaser.
by zooba December 5, 2009
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Ambulance cadets are as good to use as a chocolate teapot, they like to think they're medical specialist's but can barely even put on a plaster, they're know for exaggerating stories on how they saved a patients life but in reality just massaged the patients cramp away, they are also known for having all the gear and no idea as they carry a radio,stethoscope,gloves,plasters bandages,AED,oxygen and a first aid kit but do not know how to use these things, also known as tea makers and johnnys
Look at that Ambulance cadet all the gear and no idea
by John__smitg December 31, 2016
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1) An ambulance fanatic who chases ambulances as a past time.
2) A PI claim guy.
1) "Dude, that's a September 2001 Beds & Herts Paramedic Unit!! Follow!!!"
2) "Have you been hurt in an accident that was not your fault? You may be entitled to a claim..."
by Soiled Undergarment September 29, 2003
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1. A lawyer who sits around hospitals waiting to prey on unsuspecting accident victims.

2. see Shark
When uncle Leroy got hit by that molassas truck he went to the hospital and when he woke up there were three amubulance chasers trying to get him to sign a retainer.
by Miguel Sanchez September 23, 2003
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personal injury attorney who solicits clients aggressively - usually someone who serches th enwspaper or even the street for an accident that just happened.
It was just a fender bender that afternoon and that ambulance chaser was there before the cops!
by cathy kuzia September 22, 2003
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