agree to disagree may be the best idiom to utter (when perhaps underneath that idiom may be several others that could somehow result in a lot of time in jail...or at best a simple painless execution. duh).

Anyone getting the heebee-jeebs yet?

Uh huh. Call me. Now here comes the 'lol' or a warm and fuzzy feeling all over. Get yer motors running...head out on das 'muhing' highway.
Hey, whadda yah say we dun jus agree to disagree. (Silent or audible burp pending--perhaps worse as in the definition above.)
by MonkeySees July 29, 2022
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Email communication agreeing to everything, when you're wasted and should not be communicating with anyone.
Oh yeah, I got an agree-mail from him the other night, at 4am!
by And. July 19, 2018
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He shot the guy over a garden hose because they didn't agree about it instead of because he was a real asshole or couldn't be trusted to live and let live. That's not a good reason to shoot somebody.
by The Original Agahnim November 15, 2021
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Though I do agree with your basic premise.
Hym "I just don't agree with how it applies to my situation."
by Hym Iam April 5, 2023
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when a human is explaining how someone else does not get them to agree with them
no you will not get my agreeingness”
by jessytessy June 7, 2021
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when you are capable of agreeing with any given statement you deice you will make a decision to agree with or not
Samothy: My mom's cooking is great!
Bobothy: I could agree
by h the h March 2, 2021
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