sexy but sofisticated girl who knows right from wrong a huge firt with an amazing body. She love to temp guys with her nice and gorgous features. She has the most beatiful smile you have ever seen, but usually only goes for black guys . Unless, the white guy is too sexy.
monique chantal walton look her up on myspace
by Deondre Cortez Way January 6, 2009
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Kieran is a low life prick with no friends, he once had a wank with vapour rub. He talks to like 15 lasses at a time and has no respect towards them. Can not play football to save his life.
Kieran Walton 😂
by Kieran Walton May 11, 2016
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To announce that you are leaving, or signing off from a public chat, and then spend time saying goodbye\goodnight to each person and waiting for their reply.

From the end sequence of "The Waltons", whereby each member would say good night to the other
"She said she had to leave to catch a bus, but spent so much time waltoning, she missed it."
by Lolotehe May 21, 2013
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A shit town in the middle of no where with a few stores and restaurants.
Person 1: wanna go to Walton Ny?
Person : no fuck off
by Waltonian December 9, 2021
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Having sex in the bathroom stall at a Wal-Mart.
I could have gone my entire life without overhearing you two total strangers get your Walton on, but our God is a merciless and unforgiving God.
by Amphiprison October 9, 2017
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Ryan Walton is a sexy man who is addicted to Ethan Fishwicks autism . He is a man who a man called Josh Baker would defo marry. He is a celebrity known for his great looks and his dead pet fish BonQueeQuee (who has no gender) can we have a rip in the chat please
OH whos that sexy man over there who's fish died " oh yes that's probably Ryan Walton
by Squashyjoshy69 October 30, 2020
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Ryan Walton is a sexy man who is addicted to Ethan Fishwicks autism . He is a man who a man called Josh Baker would defo marry. He is a celebrity known for his great looks and his dead pet fish BonQueeQuee (who has no gender) can we have a rip in the chat please
OH whos that sexy man over there who's fish died " oh yes that's probably Ryan Walton
by Squashyjoshy69 October 30, 2020
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