used to be a colour but now is a blanket term for anyone with brownish skin (teenagers use it to describe southern asians, middle easterns and in some cases people from the Caribbean). It is also a common misconseption that brown people are all terrorists. Many people are surprised to know this is not true.

Not racist, unless used excessively, then it gets annoying

"Man, Ahmad is one brown son of a bitch"

Ahmad: "brap! you know it!"
by Double A Arab December 3, 2007
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The color of a black person but we are still called balck even though are skin is brown not black. That is so stupid why would you call an african american with brown skin black? Stupid idiots
Idiot: Hey look at that black girl over there. The one with the black skin.

Me: Bitch my skin is brown not black. You stupid cracker!
by samone April 28, 2005
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To stand too close when speaking to people.
I like talking to Jim but he makes me a little uncomfortable when he starts Browning me.
by Osoro July 2, 2014
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1. to experience misfortune or to be treated unfairly; to be in a situation or scenario that is difficult to make successful progress. 2. past tense for describing the act of sexual intercourse.
1. "Dave was browned out of five dollars."; "I've lost my car keys, I am so browned."

2. "Dave browned the hell out of Sally last night.";
by MotoAdam January 29, 2008
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Word used to describe lower grade Heroin in the United Kingdom.
Any Brown for sale? Who's selling Brown at the moment?
by James Edwards November 6, 2005
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Any latino, especially one of primarily Native American and/or Black heritage. A medium-toned African American of an especially attractive complexion.
Christina Milian is "brown".
by jennifer October 21, 2004
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A word that could be used to describe Rabananda, and should be used along with the word man at each possible opportunity.
by that'srightbetches June 19, 2008
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