my outlook on life

and now im typing random stuff to make up the 20 letters needed...never mind, shit happens
shit happens, usually to me, so you'll be alright
by emily laura June 10, 2005
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When something stupid or annoying happens without your control.

Forrest Gump's famous quote.
Tom: I got fired yesterday. Our company's cutting back.

Jack: That sucks.

Tom: Yeah, shit happens.


Fan: You just stepped in a huge pile of dog shit!

Forrest Gump: It happens.

Fan: What, shit?

Forrest Gump: Sometimes.
by Teal Tower July 30, 2010
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Most likely the final negatory answer you get after saying "Please" two or three times in a row. It's better to just give up, because when you hear this, whatever you want is not gonna happen.
You: Can we get that (insert name on expensive, useless piece of junk)
Me: No.
You: Please?
Me: No.
You: Please!
Me: No!
You Pleeeease?
Me: Told you before, not gonna happen!
by werallsonsofbitches December 17, 2009
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Technology related problems that are so simple yet made complicated; Problems that should be solved within a few minutes but end up dragging on for hours.
A: I've been trying to find my download folders for 6 hours now. I'm not sure where it is!
B: Its in your C drive, Users
A: What??
B: Lun happens.
by roticanai November 9, 2019
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What to tell your gay crush when you're in denial, and don't want to admit you had a bonding moment.
"Nope! Don't remember, didn't happen." - Lance McClain.
by Versaucy April 18, 2019
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The Beat Happening is an Indie band that formed in the 80's. Their label is K Records. They're a band that many people turned to in a time of MTV's unfortunate popularity. Beat Happening were leaders in the Indie wave that many of us are all fond of nowadays. The band is from Olympia, WA. Characterized by Calvin Johnson's deep voice, rhythmic, yet not overdone guitar play, and beat producing drum playing, Beat Happening provides some good music for those of you that are just sick of listening to the force-fed shit that you get from MTV.
Good Beat Happening songs include: Cry for a Shadow, Indian Summer, Hot Chocolate Boy, You Turn Me On, Foggy Eyes....
by Fuck You Music Television June 22, 2008
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The phrase "Let it happen" can often be used in a situation where someone may be trying to force something e.g. relationships, conversations, sexual encounters, sports, image, ect. This phrase is mainly used for advice for friends, but may not always be the right thing to do. The phrase is often used incorrectly in awkward situations, this is wrong. Usage of this phrase has to feel right, do not force usage as you would be contradicting as well as disgracing its meaning. This phrase accompanies a sort of ideology that some things are meant to happen, others are not, therefore one should not force things.
Guy: "Man I really want things to work out with Susie, but I'm not sure if I should force it or not"
Friend:"Dude, let it happen."
by Chilldude11 June 17, 2009
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