Idk he left 3 years ago for cigarettes and never came back
by .your real name. February 19, 2019
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Day After Drinking Shits

the squirty, gross shits you get the day after a night of drinking
dave: “how was the bar last night?”

mark: “good but now i have DADS and i’m not near the bathroom!”
dave: “shit man you better run”
by NotYourRealName June 10, 2018
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1. One of the homies that are pretty much like family. You can count on him and he will always have your back no matter what.

2. An original friend or homie that you have known for a while and are pretty tight with.
"What's up dad"
by darager April 9, 2011
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Def. ~noun

The better parent.

The one that treats you like an equal and respects you. The one that provides moral guidance and teaches you about life. The one that co-conspires about hiding broken stuff from Mum. He protects and cares and makes you laugh but calls you ridiculous nicknames.
Dad: Pig! Get over here!

Kid: Don't call me that in front of my friends!

Dad: Well don't be a pig then!
by Kidlet July 21, 2009
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A man who never shows up in your life. Never Calls, never comes by, never sends a card for your birthday. Or a man who is always there for you giving you guidance and support.
Jake: My dad just took my cellphone! I hate him!
Dave: Atleast you know who your dad is!! So stop bitchin!

Superstar: I want to thank my dad for all his love and support all these years. I couldnt have done it without him. I LOVE YOU DAD!

You will never here Dave say that^
by Galleria November 21, 2006
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A man who works to support you and doesn't take your crap when he doesn't get anything in return.
That's my dad foo
by iamafrickindad August 24, 2009
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