A word regarding an out of pocket action or something absolutely disgusting
Dude I went into the bathroom last period and it smelt so rancid!

Bro the chick you like smells like shit that’s rancid as fuck!
by aungstmeister December 9, 2022
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Absolutely nasty! Inconceivably disgusting. Immensely gross.
Holy fuck Todd that was fucking rancid!”
“That shit is rancid”
by Tommy Rangoon May 30, 2022
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Surname of Housing the Plagued Vocalist, Alex Rancid.
Him? Alex Fucking Rancid, that's who.
by 123archangel321 May 4, 2011
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A kebab that is bought when sober, rancid for the way you feel after consumption.
Mike - I had a rancid kebab last night

Kev - No way, how did that go down?

Mike - not good, i was shitting brown paint all night.

Kev - scumming.
by gaping malefant May 9, 2009
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7-15 men or women eat spicy chilli, followed by a heavy laxative. A man or woman then lies in an empty bathtub, a small swimming pool, basin, trough or bed. The 7-15 men or women then surround the tub( or whatever has been chosen) and unleash an eruption of diarrhea upon the woman or man.

poo poop nice
Brenda was filled with excitement has she laid in her bathtub ready to receive her Rancid Delgado
by HeyBudHowAreYa March 13, 2019
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When a man's penis smells horrible or revolting. This is the result of an individual not showering or cleaning themselves for several days.
Person 1: Damn bro, you got one Rancid Rod
Person 2: Yes, I have not showered in serveral days
by AfroBro13 January 15, 2020
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A mix of a fine Mexican tequila with the ultra creamy Irish baileys, also referred to as the Irish siesta. By relly and holdie
Those rancid wank stains will sure do ya over!
by Holdielocks April 29, 2023
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