An Amount. When typing with T9word on a cellphone, if you forget what word you were trying to say, most or more, and mess up, you get mose.

ie: Something Ari does more than sean
Ari loves Sean mose.
by Aarifckkinelle August 18, 2009
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a nigga who can’t get anything because his pull game weak as fuck
“Sharon asked Denzel if they could go out but Denzel pulled a MOSES and bitched out.”
by aNusShe February 27, 2019
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when one takes a poop so long and dense, that when the individual flushes the toilet, it does not go down but stays level on the surface. which creates a type of " poop walkway" above the recepticle. this would simulate moses' parting of the red sea.
baby, come look at this. i just pooped a moses.
by mitch89 August 23, 2009
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One who excels in preppy english and white history.
One who is also rejected by the black community cuz dat shit cray.
"Hey man, you heard that dude giving a briefing infront of a group? He sounded like a "Malcom Moses"
by cucuyo34 March 8, 2012
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The sexual act of keeping your partners legs firmly together whilst you attempt penetration. Can also be used in the same vein post penetration and in many situations where instead of parting ones legs, you must keep them shut tightly together, thus its name.
My girlfriend made me Reverse Moses her last night, took 20 minutes to get the tip in, but damn was it worth it!
by SpectreGrimm August 28, 2019
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A turd found floating in a lazy river at a Mexican resort.
"No otra vez," said Pablo as he grabbed the skimmer. "Not another Mexican Moses."


"Dios mio! Look out for that Mexican Moses!"
by Mia Mames McGillicutty November 6, 2011
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A noun or a verb.

A Moses Magoo is one whose attention is preoccupied with the functions of a cellphone while walking, thus impeding the ability to focus on pedestrian traffic beyond one's own limited periphery, relying upon others to part, clearing a path before him or her.

This is a combined allusion to the biblical Moses, who parted the Red Sea and to the cartoon character Mister Magoo, who was notoriously near-sighted and resultantly accident prone.

To do a Moses Magoo is to cut someone off or to interfere in the smooth flow of pedestrian traffic because of a pre-occupation with a cellphone or similar device.
A true Moses Magoo, Charlie never sees beyond his nose while fidgetting with his cellphone and walking against the flow of traffic.

The guy in the green shirt Moses Magooed me, causing me to drop my drink.
by Cassiodorus September 19, 2012
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