what word

Josh:think of a word any word
Michelle:what word?
by pabrack February 21, 2016
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what’s the word?

A word used a lot in Boston, Massachusetts.

It’s basically saying what’s happening?, or what are the plans for today.

(In texting- “wtw”)
Friend 1:“Yo, I got a free crib what’s the word?”

Friend 2: “Ight word, I’m boutta swing thru with the budand the rollies

Friend 1: “Bet”
by Bas_Cookie928 March 27, 2018
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what the word

(what the word) means: What we finna do today
rick: yo dave what the word

dave: idk tryna watch a movie
by Big carti January 7, 2020
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not this one. this one is. So is that. and all of these.

How do you like that? It's in there too.
Jimmybob: "Yeah, I wanted to add a word to the urban dictionary, so I searched up 'what word isnt in the urban dictionary', but some dinglehopper put that in there too."

Bobjimmy: bruh
by master_of_the_house October 7, 2020
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whats the word?

A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word

A-well-a don't you know, about the bird?

Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!

A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the bird
"whats the word?"
"A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word

A-well-a don't you know, about the bird?

Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!

A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the bird"
by squabbles September 5, 2019
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whats the word

Usually said before a fight. Often used as a joking threat to make you seem relaxed or confident before you fight someone. Never approach anyone and say it because it also means what gang or "set" you represent.
Person 1:So whats good?
Person 2: Whats the word!
Person 1:dont get to bold now!!!
by Illpablo78 February 18, 2018
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what's the word Webster?

1. A way of asking somebody how they are doing.
2. A question to determine the agenda for the night.
Friend1: What's the word Webster?

Friend2: Going to tha club to find some dirty girls.
by Fizzle Dance July 7, 2008
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