1. A small creature that children own as pets, usually called the name of their favorite condiment. Ex: Peanut butter, Mustard, Ketchup.

2. The name for a man that a younger girl is strangely attracted too. The man is older in this case.
1. Fanny Jo: I got a pet guinea pig!
Susan Mae: What's his name?
Fanny Jo: Mayonnaise!

2. Aly: Guinea Pigs is so hot today!
Madison: EWWWWWW!
Aly: What?!
by GuineaPigzLuvsAlyyyS March 10, 2010
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When a male doesn't wipe their butt properly. And a large of butt syrup builds up on the butt hairs and begins to mature.
I think Ant hasn't wiped properly again. He better remove the residue soon or he might end up with guinea fungus.
by King Jabuscuss June 27, 2015
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When I was a kid, my Aunt Mo sent me to the store with a list of food items. I approached the Asian cashier timidly and asked him if he had "guinea bread" as my Aunt had requested. He looked puzzled for a moment and then handed me a loaf of Italian bread with a smile. My Aunt was pleased.
by KittyTouchIt May 3, 2011
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A Clitoris that resembles that of a pigs foot and sticks through undergarments like a knife and is known as a "penis Clit" and a "pinchy"
Hey Terry, I bowed Mary up like a Halloween cat over the table and she had a guinea horn the size of my middle finger!
by allen_larken5 December 18, 2013
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When you shave off all your pubes, keep them under the bed while having sex and proceed to glue the pubes onto her back with your cum.
"Yo Chad how was Stacy in bed last night?"

"Awh dude she was freaky as fuck, I even Guinea Piged her!"
"Dude thats sick no way! I wish my girl would let me do that."
by Bigmitch 679 March 4, 2019
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n. Offensive term for a particularly unattractive woman of Italian ancestry. Orig.: guinea is an offensive term for Italians, and pig describes an ugly female.
I banged that guinea pig Gina last night, but I had to bag her first.
by SkidMarkyMark April 24, 2006
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a small amount of high caliber marijuana, roughly equivelant to a dime bag"
Mike: "I only had $20.00, so I just bought a guinea sack."
by Fast Willie27 June 17, 2006
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