When one attempts to use an obscure 3+ syllable word or phrase (e.g. a literary reference, popular saying, economic term) without having a iota of a clue what the word means, thus making the user appear to be a clueless douche.
Patrice: The tenor's entrance to the stage last night at the Opera was magnificently Malthusian!
BM: He's on the 15...the 10...the 5.... OH NO it was a Malthusian Fumble!
by spyslikeus March 1, 2011
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having someones shit forced into your mouth.
we really Fumble-Munched him well bad.. look at his teeth
by ben dood October 20, 2007
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Messing up when the stakes are high, and losing out on a (usually financial or LP) gain.
B: "Ja som hrával Zeda"
B: *Picks Zed and proceeds to fumble the bag*
V: "gg that epic fail, go next"
by May 5, 2023
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When you try to speak but it consistently comes out as gibberish.
Why don't we go to the stwon.. fryore... STORE!! Why am I so fumble faced.
by JayGee427 November 27, 2014
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When your girlfriend wants to fuck you and you don’t want to
Kyle D. “Fumbled the bag”!
by LenisLicker May 2, 2022
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When you finger a girl with a lot of public hair.
Male 1: Did you get off with that hairy Mary the other night?
Male 2: Yeah man, and I had a proper fumble in the jungle.
by Zedav September 6, 2016
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The act of masturbating and spreading one's semen around the shaft and head of the penis as to lubricate it suffciently enough for round two.
Tyler: "Hey dude what's-Holy shit, your totally using your own semen as lubricant for round two!"

David: "Yeah, I'm fumble-bumbling! You gotta try it!
by gsepfalz January 9, 2011
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