The act of conching one's hole. An expression used to define a shitty experience or moment.
Faggot - "Dude do you want to go to church, and praise the lord?"
Rick - "No, I would rather conch my hole."
by stryfes13 December 9, 2013
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You have you'r lover sit on the bed and pull on her nipple and look deep into her vagina and ask "Oh magic conch shell may i insert my penis into her vagina", and if it respond's with "yes" then you may but if it respond's with "No" then get the will forever remain a virgin.
Oh Magic Conch (Sex Position) could i eat this super delicous ass ?


"OH BOY!".
by Faeiju October 12, 2019
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when you are in a situation with your friends and you need to peace. just give the old conch shell boost some use.. cup your hands and let out a good "BAAOOOOOOOOST!!!"
The cops busted the party.. sound the conch shell boost. BAAOOOOOST!
by moe.pipes.groove May 24, 2009
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The act of pressing one's ear against another person's anus in an effort to hear the ocean.
"Hey memes_of_reality, would you like to go conching with me tonight? My asshole is freshly bleached."
by TheSquashy October 29, 2021
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A girl the has no tits and is flat as the ocean on a calm day. Just not blue.
Damn i met a real dead conch very flat. I did and nothing was floopin
by Roast tut May 5, 2016
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A term used to describe the action that takes place when a girl who is a squirter is having sex while on her period. The resulting squirt that consists of vaginal fluid and blood is known as a weeping conch.
It was the craziest and grossest thing ever. She went all weeping conch on me!
by the conch finder August 13, 2012
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