A Ameila is a friend you have always wanted. She is so funny and has a smile that could make the world brighter. She always has a positive outlook on things and when you need to cry, you always have a shoulder to cry on. She is usually very competitive but is always a good sport. You never want to loose a amelia!!!
You: That’s my bestie Amelia she is single
All the guys: Where is the sign up sheet?
by Victoria__yo she lit May 18, 2019
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She is a quiet girl when you first meet but as soon as you get to know her she is funny pretty gorgeous wacky weird clumsy and SUPER smart. She will get top grades on everything she try’s. She is not shy at all and will always put her hand up for any answer she knows. She can some how laugh off anything from embarrassment to tripping and falling on to a pile of lego. She makes everything look easy and it can make you jealous sometimes but honestly she works so hard to do everything she does. She not very athletic but when she finds a sport she’s good at she will destroy you at it. She is a great friend and does not take people hurting her friends very lightly. She will get back at whoever hurt her friends she hates when people think they are better then her and her friends and she will take whoever thinks that down. She is always wearing the most amazing clothing and her hair is always nice looking. She will tell you all about her personal life if she trust you and if she likes a guy you can tell instantly. She is a amazing friend so if you find an Amelia never let go to her and keep her close.
Hey did you hear Amelia got an A+ on her test - person 1

Wow she must be smart - person 2
by J A D forever248 December 4, 2019
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Amelia is a shy but outgoing once you meet her. She is one of the funniest people you will meet. She is sweet and very caring. But don’t get on her bad side. She will get angry if you do something to make her mad. She will lash out at you and hold you accountable for anything you do to make you or her friends. She is hard to get. She is a very pretty girl with brown hair and hazel or brown eyes. Her eyes sparkle when they meet the sun. She is a natural beauty. She is also very smart. At some times it may not seem like it but she is a very smart girl. She may not be the most popular girl but she has a lot of friends. Everyone wants to be friends with and Amelia.
Boy: You see that girl?
Girl: Oh that’s Amelia

Boy: She is gorgeous

Girl: She has an amazing personality too
Girl: Be careful! All the boys are after Amelia
by Just.here.to.make.people.smile October 27, 2019
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Amelia is one of the Hottest, Smartest, and most beautiful girls out there. She is also always there for people. But if you get on her bad side....be careful because she is not afraid to fight someone. If you do end up getting in a fight with her...run. She is also always only known for her body and nobody is very concerned about her face or personality...just her body. She also makes and amazing Girlfriend and you are very lucky if you get her as your Girlfriend so make sure you keep her. If you know an Amelia in your life make sure you keep her because she will be one of the best things in your life.
Guy: Wow, Amelia is beautiful
Other Guy: Ya I know right
by THAThockeyboi April 26, 2020
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Amelia is a beautiful young girl. She is a really good friend to have. They normally have blue eyes and either red or blond colored hair. She might get mad at you really easy, but that is when you make a bad mistake. If you are her friend and do this, she will forgive you somewhat easily, but if you are not, get the heck out while you still can! Though all this, she has a lovely personality and loves to make you laugh. You are so lucky to have an Amelia in your life if you do. And if you do, never let her go, friend of relationship, cause if you do, you messed up bad. I love my little step-sister Amelia with all my heart, and I will till the day I die. So ALWAYS have a Amelia in your life to spice things up, you will never have a regret in life about that
Boy One: Wow, Amelia seems like an amazing person.
Amelia's BFF: Yeah, she has a great personality. Why don't you get to know her? It might be the best decision in your life!
by Lil Tori April 20, 2019
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Amelia.The one girl that everyone thinks is perfect. She doesn’t know it, but everyone adores her. Inspiring, creative, stunning, friendly, fun- you name it. Her hair, black as night. Her eyes, the dark brown that if you see, you’ll remember. She doesn’t have anyone in her life that she hates, nor anyone who hates her. She thinks so lowly of herself, but doesn’t know everyone thinks the exact opposite. Amelia, the name sounds like “A million,” which makes her one in a million. Trust me, becoming friends with an Amelia is hard. You’ll really have to try and gain her trust. If you do something bad, she’ll regret becoming friends with you, and you’ll regret doing what you did. Don’t get rid of any Amelia’s in your life.
Mean girl: Ugh! Who even tries to mess with me?
Sidekick: Oh her, that’s Amelia.
Mean girl: This “Amelia” is going to be problems.
by Splashhe December 13, 2019
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An amazing girl who can be found with makeup on always. She is an amazing singer and wants I be a star. Her life is taken over by siblings but that doesn't stop her from completing her goal to win a singing show!
Girl: omg I wish I could sing like Amelia

Boy : have you seen her makeup skills though
by Jessica Reese November 15, 2016
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