10 definitions by yak


i saw a fartcicle at the zoo today
by yak May 7, 2003
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one of those mini-bananas
i slipped on a fleisher
by yak May 6, 2003
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The description of one with practices Practical Deakism.
I'm sitting comfortabley because I've not been deakesque
by yak September 16, 2003
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misery tits

Description of a woman whose breasts, as opposed to bringing joy to men, bring sheer misery, distress and suicidal tendencies
Alison, you swamp donkey, you have some fucking bad misery tits
by yak October 12, 2003
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From ethnic Coke addicted minority. Used to describe a person who enjoys clapping,lesbianism and Paris Hilton.
1)Don't be such a Gitanjali you good for nothing boffin

2)Shut yo mouth you Gitanjali ho!

3)I love Gitanjali, mwah (clap!)
by yak April 18, 2005
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one who lounges
a lounger just sat on my couch
by yak May 5, 2003
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Dog Toffee

Dog crap. Usually left in the middle of a woodland path. This flavour can only be achieved by feeding the canine epoxy putty for 3 weeks prior to bowel evacuation. Usually impossible to remove from a tyre.
Crap! Which bastard left that dog toffee there?
by yak December 13, 2003
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