11 definitions by wordbird

To act in a homosexual manner when one's (supposed) sexuality is heterosexual. Not quite the same meaning as to "turn gay", but almost.
Dude A: "Dude, what's the deal? I wake up and find you sleeping in my bed! Why don't you sleep in your own? I hope you're not startin' to fag-out on me!"

Dude B: "Don't worry about it, man. It'll only happen once-in-awhile —usually after I suck your cock, like I did last night. And thanks for being cool enough to pretend to be asleep!"
by wordbird July 2, 2006
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Low wages (as in "peanuts").
"What?! You want me to clean that funky toilet with this nasty, hairy, dry sponge and without plastic gloves?
No, no, no ... not even for double the monkey wage you pay me!"
by wordbird June 29, 2006
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A government which tries to have the image of being a democracy, but isn't.
Jeepers, Boris, every journalist who writes an article criticizing our president seems to get knocked-off, put into an insane assylum or simply disappears from the face of the earth!

Well, what do you expect, Svety? Our president wants the world to think that his not-so-hidden dictatorship is really a democracy . . .

Svetlana: Hmmff ! Everyone knows that our so-called "freedoms" here are just a sham! He's just putting on a good show . . .

That's right.... We live in an imacracy. Remember in the old days when everyone voted imacratically?

Yeah .. for the ONLY candidate!

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Ah, the simpler days ...

Boris: But you know, Svety, we shouldn't worry too much about these journalists being killed. Afterall, in other countries ---with *real* democracies--- dead people show-up on the voter registration rolls all the time!

ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha


by wordbird August 21, 2007
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A way to snap the fingers where, at the beginning of the snap, your hand is directly in front of you and, by the end of the snap, your hand has been swung (or 'waved') toward the outside. (For example, the right hand is swung toward the right). The swing and snap are simultaneous.

Sometimes (usually?) done the the other hand placed on the hip. This snap is done particularly well by gay people. Thus the name. NOTE: not usually a snap used to accompany music but rather, to emphasize a point.
"Girl! Just LOOK at this apartment! You couldn't even clean it was a tactical nuclear weapon! You're gonna need a genie to just (fabulous faggot backhand-snap, here) snap his fingers, to clean this mess!"
by wordbird June 29, 2006
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"Wow! Where'd you get this old sign that says, 'Colored, Seated in Rear?" That's GREAT negrobilia. Is it authentic?"
by wordbird April 27, 2006
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(as in a jockey, beating the "cheeks" of his horse to make it run faster)

To be in a rush. To go —especially, to walk— very quickly.
"Sorry I'm late. I beat-cheeks to get here on time".

"John got a speeding ticket today. He was beating cheeks to get to the airport when he got pulled over".
by wordbird February 12, 2008
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"E chuta!" is an untranslatably rude Huttese expression used on C3PO by another protocol droid in "The Empire Strikes Back," shortly before the luckless golden robot is blasted apart by stormtroopers. In context, it appears to be the rough equivalent of "fuck/piss/sod off."
"Can't we put away our blasters and negotiate calmly?"
"E chuta!"
by wordbird September 9, 2005
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