16 definitions by whitemale_98

The type of comedian you either love or hate. I think he's pretty damn hilarious, but some people think he just yells all the time. Almost made Night at the Roxbury worth watching.
"You're my boy Blue!"
by whitemale_98 January 6, 2005
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A Robin Williams is a person who hasn't been funny since approximately 1987(or ever?) but you laugh at his jokes hoping he'll eventually shut his yap.
Saw Robin Williams on Letterman last night, was he ever funny?
by whitemale_98 January 1, 2005
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Verb- To take shirt up in any situation and no matter how inapproapriate to show off your abs.

Noun- To be completely uninteresting and overlooked until you start singing about cheating on someone.
Judge - How do you plead?
Usher - Not guilty!(pulling up shirt to show abs).

Noun: No one cared about Usher or his music til he cheated on Chili of TLC.
by whitemale_98 January 1, 2005
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What your really really REALLY lonely friends possess. Obtained through many hours of solitary and dedicated training.
Whoa buddy, you need to get a girlfriend, thats quite a kung fu grip you got there.
by whitemale_98 January 7, 2005
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Where one goes to crush golf balls off a tee on a fenced in range while imagining the face of their boss on the golf ball.
I go to the driving range when my supervisor pisses me off.
by whitemale_98 January 7, 2005
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Cover your ass - a way of saying "I'm going to do just enough CYA so that when something goes wrong I can blame someone else down the line" Another example of society going into a slow death spiral.
Boss: Why didn't you put the fire out before it burned down the building!

Jones: I didn't know the room I was in was on fire because I was doing something important on the internet, Johnson didn't check the smoke detector batteries.

Boss: Way to CYA Jones!
by whitemale_98 December 27, 2005
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A person who refuses to retire.Also see: Jerry Rice
Please retire, you're hanging on like Emmitt Smith in Arizona.
by whitemale_98 December 31, 2005
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