8 definitions by usman noyo


1. One's full name, or the expansion of one's nickname.

2. A nickname that is an artificial expansion of one's real name.
A: Bobbie? Is that a nickname?
B: No, it's her nicholasname. Her nickname is Bo.

His real name is Harvey, but we call him Harvolomew for short.
by usman noyo July 12, 2008
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The practice of outsourcing a job or task that is traditionally performed by employees or a contracted company to a non-organized, usually large group of people, generally in the form of an open call or competition.
A: "I wish I could write a dictionary for all the cool slang out there, but it's too big a task for me alone, and I can't afford to pay anyone else to do it."

B: "Crowdsourcing is the solution to your problem.. I know -- you should make a website called urbandicitonary.com, or something. People will just fill it up and edit and moderate all on their own, and you won't have to pay a dime!"

See also the X PRIZE, Wikipedia, Netflix Prize, Millennium Prize, etc.
by usman noyo December 7, 2007
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1. The defining, sometimes intangible element of an entity, event, or concept which makes it nifty.

2. The level or measure of how nifty something is.

Syn.: niftiness Ant.: lameity
Example 1:
"After much thought and consideration, I have conclusively determined that the nift of your new pair of shoes lies in its shoelaces."

Example 2:
"Whoa, sweet webcomic! Truly, the nift of Sluggy is unparalleled any other."
by usman noyo August 16, 2007
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1. The knowledge, expertise, and skill one acquires after years of Chinatown bus experiences and adventures, usually referring to Fung Wah.

2. The ancient Chinese martial art of escaping fires.
"Get there 10 minutes early, travel light, don't sit near the bathroom, bring your own food, hope for a 4-hour trip but plan for 6 or more... whoa -- I KNOW FUNG FU."

"One time my bus was leaking oil, so we were stranded in Connecticut for 8 HOURS!"
"Oh yeah? MY bus flipped over twice and then burst into flames -- and I survived."
"Wow, you are a true fung fu master."
by usman noyo April 16, 2007
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1. The knowledge, expertise, and skill one acquires after years of Chinatown bus experiences and adventures, usually referring to Fung Wah.

2. The ancient Chinese martial art of escaping fires.
"Get there 10 minutes early, travel light, don't sit near the bathroom, bring your own food, hope for a 4-hour trip but plan for 6 or more... whoa -- I KNOW FUNG FU."

"One time my bus was leaking oil, so we were stranded in Connecticut for 8 HOURS!"
"Oh yeah? MY bus flipped over twice and then burst into flames -- and I survived."
"Wow, you are a true fung fu master."
by usman noyo April 28, 2007
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An unplanned, usually unjustifiably long session of watching several videos on any Flash video site that recommends more videos, usually resulting in some variant of YouTuberculosis; analogous to an addictive video link surfing episode.
"I was just going to watch that one video, but then these other two videos looked funny, and before I knew it I was drowning in a Flash flood... and that's why I need an extension on the paper."
by usman noyo December 2, 2007
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1. Appearing to be religious (e.g., because one wears a cross on a chain, sports payos, smokes the buddah, majors in world religions, seems at peace with oneself and the world, or is a generally chill or "good" person, etc.) when actually agnostic, spiritual, athiest, humanist, nihilist, or similar.

2. A non-religious person who has an inexplicable interest in or knowledge of religion, religious fashion, and the religious lifestyle and/or enjoys taking part in religious events, ceremonies, and rituals.

Not to be confused with Metrospiritual.
I thought Jim wore a yarmulke because he was Jewish, but after I saw how he devoured that king crab, I'm betting he's just metroligious.

You can tell Sarah's metroligious by the way she always brings up how she went to Catholic school whenever someone mentions nuns.
by usman noyo March 26, 2007
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