117 definitions by the2ndflood

1. Where-in a parter preforms oral sex on a woman who is wearing a dress, from underneath a table, in a public place.
My girl once let me go Skirt Diving at a restaurant full of people.
by the2ndflood September 22, 2007
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A "Republican Conveyor Press system" refers to the idea that almost all Republican politicians are made the same. So being that they are so much alike, finding a new Republican politician is as easy as sorting through a Conveyor system; much like that found at a Dry Cleaners. This system is fictional; it is more of an Idea then a real system. The fact that Republican politicians tend to Look, Sound and Act the same; as well as share almost identical outdated conservative views; creates the Idea that if a Republican politician dies, you can just pull another one off of the line and not have to worry about any changes to the overall political system. An argument can be made that the Democrats could have their own Conveyor Press System, but since Democrats tend to have views that are considered to be Out-Side-Of-The-Box, a Democratic stereotype isn't that easy to define. Republican's tend to be Rich, White, Christian, Males; with unjustified fears against Immigration and Same-Sex Marriages.
(Man 1) Oh my God! John McCain died last night! What are we going to do now?! (Man 2) Relax, just pull another politician off of the Republican Conveyor Press System. They are all pretty much the same. The public won't notice the difference.
by the2ndflood July 31, 2008
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1. Windows Vista is a horrible new Operating system made by Microsoft to replace XP. Technically an upgrade from Windows 2003 and WinME. Codenamed Longhorn, the OS took 5 years to create and did not live up to the hype set by Microsoft. The OS was suppose to be a completely new OS, with groundbreaking features. Most of the new features that were added have caused the system to be less user friendly. Case in point the new security feature, which pops up a menu that freezes everything in the background, asking for the user to Deny or Allow a change in the settings or software Install/Uninstall. This window will come up contently, causing the user frustration. The new security features have also allowed hackers to make new viruses and other malware for the OS, even though Microsoft claimed that hackers would find it difficult to do so. Users have also had trouble finding the correct drivers for old and new hardware. If these weren't bad enough, users have also had problems with using DRM content like music and movies, due to stricter licensing terms. Many companies like Dell and HP started selling Vista-Only machines, but retracted this practice slightly after receiving numerous complaints from potential customers seeking to buy XP machines instead. It is still not possible to find a cheap, AMD-XP system with Dell; since they have almost completely phased out XP in favor of Vista. AMD being the cheaper system when compared to Intel.
I hate Windows Vista so much that I had to buy an XP-Apple machine instead! I feel dirty now...
by the2ndflood March 4, 2008
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1. A once great social networking site. 2. A site ruled by hackers, spammers, and scammers. 3. A web site that grew too fast to give a **** about it's users.
My, Myspace account was hacked again today... That is the 5th time this week!
by the2ndflood November 14, 2007
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1 Giant Eye Paris Hilton is an extremely ugly celebrity; who is famous for being famous. She is known for having 1 eye that is larger then the other. This is due to plastic surgery. This can been seen to comparing photos of Paris from when she was a teen to now. Her earlier photos didn't show this deformity. In fact, Paris Hilton was actually sexy before she paid a talentless doctor to cut apart her face. although she denies having plastic surgery; ANYONE that has seen photos of her when she was young can tell the difference. Along with here disproportional eyes; she also has a razor thin nose and swollen fake looking lips. She also wears contact lenses to change her eye color. Paris really become famous after accidentally (On Purposes) releasing a porn film of her having boring sex with her boyfriend at the time Rick Salomon. The film was called "1 Night in Paris." This lead to a staged reality shows called "The Simple Life." The show also started Nicole Richie before she became a broomstick.
dispute the show being 100% staged and predesignated, the show did have 3 seasons. The Simple Life has allowed Paris to get into somewhat main-stream acting. Mainly horrible B movies like the junk National Lampoon's puts out on a constant basis. The directors and actors that have worked with Paris complain that she is completely unable to remember her lines. So mainly Paris is used as "Eye Candy." Which is odd seeing as Paris is the ugliest celebrity to ever end up in Hollywood. She is also know for trademarking the phrase "That's Hot." So even though her parents own the Hilton Hotel chain, and she on her own has millions of dollars; Paris decided she needed the royalties from anyone that uses a phrase she didn't make up in the first place. Unlike other multimillionaire, Paris rarely, if ever, gives donations to charity groups. So Paris Hilton's status as a human being is at level (ZERO); meaning she contributes nothing to aid the world.
When I meet God I'm going to ask 1. Why is 1 Giant Eye Paris Hilton so ugly? And 2. If it was all a joke, then why make her so dumb? Don't you want her to understand the fact that you made her so ugly as a joke? I mean I get the joke and I think it's hilarious! But I think Paris Hilton is the type of person who would forget out to breath if her brain didn't do it automatically. Maybe that is part of the joke? Even funnier!
by the2ndflood August 10, 2008
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The terms "Porn Boxie" refers to the methods used by Adult Film Production Companies, wherein they use Misleading-Titles And/Or Incorrect Video-Covers; for the purposes of (Intentionally) misleading consumers into buying their videos.
I Wonder What Involutions Will Come Into Effect In The Next 20 Years? I See A World Free Of Crime And Suffering. I See A World Where Everyone Lives In Harmony. I See A World Where Companies Will No Longer Use Porn Boxie To Trick People. So When I Buy an Adult DVD Named "All Asian Chicks";There Will Be At Least 1 Asian Chick In The Movie! What A Wonderful Future That Will Be!
by the2ndflood January 31, 2010
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Tourette Syndrome is a condition that effects the brain's motor functions. Sufferers will be forced to "Twitch", "Speak Outloud" and can also effect thoughts. People that suffer from Tourette's feel the urge to act-out in some way; most commonly through Twitches and language. The stereotype of Tourette syndrome is that the sufferer will curse for no set reason. This is NOT always the case. Tourette syndrome has a very wide list of problems that can be manifested in many ways. The general public though is not aware of this fact. This makes living with the condition much harder, because people assume that with Tourette Syndrome, comes swearing. So finding acceptance's is hard to find. The best way to describe the feeling of having Tourette's is by comparing it to an itch. Your brain tries sending a message to your body; I.E. the feeling to Twitch your eyes. This feeling does not go away. With an itch you can ignore the feeling and thoughts that come with it, but with Tourette Syndrome, there is no way to turn the message off. So a feeling of pressure and stress builds up until the person just gives in and acts on that thought. Right after that movement is performed, your brain sends yet another signal to Twitch. So the sufferer is left with an ongoing urge to Twitch And/Or Speak Out, that does not go away on it's own. Tourette Syndrome ranges in it's level of "Punishment." Punishment is a term used by sufferers to describe the level of stress they feel. The feeling of Punishment comes from the fact that it is the sufferers own brain that is causing the Punishment. A good way to look at Tourette Syndrome, is that the sufferer has their own thoughts and feelings, but the Tourette's has it's own section of that persons mind. Much in a way that someone with multiple personalties has 2 or more, completely different personalties. The Tourette Syndrome part of the persons mind is like a having a completely different personalty, living along side of their own. These 2 different personalties do not live in harmony, hence the term "Punishment." The level of Punishment can range from a slight level where the sufferer has almost complete control over the Tourette Syndrome. To a level where the person has no control what-so-ever. This level is dibilatating, because the suffer has no control over their own body and basically lives in a state of Living Hell. In recent years more time has been spend studying Tourette Syndrome and from this has come more promising cures. But on average though, the doctor will threat each Symptom, because no medication can treat everything that Tourette Syndrome will put a person through. In the past Electroshock was used in treating Tourette's, with little longterm success. There is a new type of Electroshock treatment in the form of "Deep Brain Stimulation" which has shown far more promise. Where-in an electrode the size of a human hair in slowly driven deep into the brain. After the location is found, slight electrical impulses are pumped into that part of the brain, disrupting the Tourette's signals to the body. The sufferer will have to wear a pacemaker for the rest of their life. If the impulses are stopped, the person will feel the Punishment feelings come back. To date there is no known Complete cure for Tourette Syndrome. But the sufferer can find some peace in working out, meditation, medication, along with other things that can take the persons mind off of their Tourette Syndrome. Some find peace in the thought that while living with Tourette Syndrome, they get to understand the world and it's people from a different prospective. Because they known how a so-called normal person feels and how a person that sufferers from a mental illness feels. Which makes them a far better doctor, therapist, psychologist, and human being, because they understand both sides of reality. In reality though, there is no such thing as a "Normal" person. Every person is different.

Tourette Syndrome is one of the most misunderstood of all mental defects. You should keep this in mind next time you make fun of someone for having Tourette Syndrome. It's our own brain, not our own thoughts, that cause us to act in the way that we do. If we could turn Tourette Syndrome off like a light switch, we would have already done so. Most sufferers would give an arm and a leg just to be able to sit still, while at rest, for the rest of our lives. Tourette Syndrome is like having your body stunned with a Stun Gun every moment of the day.
by the2ndflood June 12, 2008
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