12 definitions by the slow kid

"TheCleverest.com" is a website where people can use their imagination to create funny quotes using pictures supplied by the site's creator. Unfortunately, most people who visit the site are completely retarded in their ability to come up with amusing quotes. The result is a complete lack of humorous responses by (what I can only assume are) complete retards. The result is that The Cleverest gets the worst responses ever.
"I went on "TheCleverest.com" and put down a marginally funny quote and everybody gave me a thumbs down because I'm a retard. Hooray for me!!!!! I'm not funny!!!! I am the scourge of The Cleverest!!!
by the slow kid April 28, 2008
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The act of taking unwanted, outdated, or stolen merchandise to the highest floor of a house or apartment and throwing said merchandise over the balcony or out the window. This usually takes place after copious amounts of drinking or from excessive boredom. Typical items to be porched are old bicycles, Betamax VCRs, fried computer monitors, etc. On a rare occasion a stolen Honda scooter might be porched. It is preferred that a crowd be gathered at the base of the dwelling to spread the enjoyment amongst as many as possible.
Mikey drank a whole bottle of Cuervo the other night and decided porching his roommate's futon would be a good idea. It got pretty ugly after that.
by the slow kid September 22, 2007
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"The booster" is what is left when you get down to the last 2 inches of malt liquor in a 40 ouncer, preferably Olde English 800 (better known as "Eight Ball"). By the time you get down to the booster it is usually warm, which only serves to make an already unpalatable beverage taste even worse. Despite the nastiness of the booster, it must be consumed to avoid ridicule by one's peers.
Hey you donkey, are you gonna drink that booster or are we gonna have to put a skirt on you and buy you a box of tampons?
by the slow kid June 6, 2006
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Short for street-beads. Found in New Orleans during Mardi Gras, streads are the sad, unwanted strings of beads seen laying in the street, often submerged in Mardi Gras Juice. Streads are good for giving to women whose titties you want to see but who might not normally be bead-worthy. Broken streads can be easily fixed by twisting the ends together. Fortunately, the stread recipient usually won't notice this shoddy repair until she has already shown the goods, at which point it's too late, ha-ha, I saw your boobs.
Hey Steve! I got that girl over there to show her tits for some nasty old streads! Now let's go get a daquiri-filled plastic football!
by the slow kid July 8, 2006
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n. The putrid, festering liquid that accumulates along curbs and in potholes on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras Juice is usually made up of several distinct liquids, including (but not limited to): beer, spit, urine, Pat O'Brien's hurricanes, semen, human blood, rainwater, mucous, suntan lotion, feces, sweat, pig's blood, assorted other alcoholic beverages and soft drinks, breast milk, tears of lost souls, and rich, chocolatey Ovaltine.

Needless to say, Mardi Gras Juice should be considered hazardous and should not be consumed or handled in any way, unless you find some streads in it that can be exchanged for a boobie flash.
That guy just stepped ankle-deep into a puddle of Mardi Gras Juice. If that were me I'd cut off my own foot.
by the slow kid July 8, 2006
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When you and your friends are walking along the sidewalk, usually after drinking, and one or more people in the party secretly decide to throw another person in the group into the bushes. The victim is then sneak-attacked and thrown forcefully into the largest bush available while the rest of the group shouts "BUSH CLUB!!!"
Chris was wasted last night so we initiated him into the bush club on the way back from the bars.
by the slow kid May 7, 2006
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A joke phrase used as a follow-up to "Joe Mama". This makes the victim of the joke feel even more insulted if they fall for it twice. Similar in execution to the "Deez Nuts" type of joke.
John: "Hey, someone was looking for you while you were gone."

Mike: "Yeah, who?"

John: "Joe Mama!!! Ahhhhh!!!!

Mike: "Aw, fuck you man."

John: "No, seriously, there were two people here asking for you."

Mike: "Who?"

John: "Joe Mama, ANGIE DADDY!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!! Dumbass!

Mike: "Go to hell, asshole!"
by the slow kid May 7, 2006
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