109 definitions by the moody poet

Osama bin Laden is an Islamic Fundamentalist and a Militant Islamist that was born Usâmah bin Muhammad bin 'Awad bin Lâdin on March 10 1957 to a wealthy family in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia and in Arabic it means, place of gardens and trees.

Osama is wanted by the FBI with involvement in terrorism and bombings all over the world. Osama is on the Most Wanted Top 10 Fugitive List for:

==(1998)== U.S. embassy bombings in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Nairobi and Kenya. 257 people were killed and over 4,000 people injured.
==(2000)== USS Cole Ship suicide bombing where 17 sailors were killed and 39 others were injured.
==(2001)== 9/11 attacks on the U.S killing 2,986 people.
4. (2002) Bali nightclub bombings killing 202 people and injuring 209 other people.
5. (2004) Madrid Bombings killed 191 people and wounded over 1700 other people.
6. (2005) 3 Hotels frequented by westerners bombed killing 60 people and injuring 115 others.

The list goes on and on...

Osama's father married 22 times and is estimated to have around 55 children with Osama being born the 17th child. Osama's father ironically died in a plane crash in 1967, and control then passed to Osama's half brother Salem who married an English art student, Caroline Carey.

Osama's families have disowned Osama officially in 1994 under pressure from the Saudi government. Although it has been said that Osama has contacted some of his family who have also been caught out funneling money to al-Qaeda terrorist organizations.

Osama spoke out at the Saudi government who then stripped Osama of his Saudi citizenship. However part of his family still supports Osama and their wealth is immense in funding his operations. Osama's first wife, Najwa Ghanem is Osama's first cousin and his mother's niece. Osama has many children to different wives who are all wealthy and supportive.

Osama is the founder of al-Qaeda a terrorists group that splinters all over the world with a basis of causing mass destruction and death to westerners or anyone that is not Muslim.

Osama is seen as a hero in the Muslim and Islamic world for standing up to America, United Kingdom and other supporters. Osama wants the world to fall under one system based under the Qur'an. Where political, legal, economic and social values are all based off the plagiarised writings of The Prophet Muhammad. See Mecca-Cola for more Islamic thieving!

Osama believes that all Christian Churches, Jewish Temples must all be bombed and desecrated. Osama believes that everyone must convert to Muslim or die.

Osama believes it's his divine calling to destroy anything from the west, including buildings and people. See Anti-Christ or mark of the beast.

Maybe next time when Osama or Muslim's get the urge to cause destruction amongst the west it would be a good idea to return the favor and blow up the Dome of the Rock and see how Muslims like it? See Temple Mount and Eretz Yisrael Faithful Movement and support tearing down their evil that is plaguing our world. See refugees.
"Let's all help the Temple Mount and Eretz Yisrael Faithful Movement return the 9/11 favor!"

"It's time to stand up and give those murdering Islamic incestuous bastards, Osama bin Laden, a taste of their own medicine!"

Stop immigration of the mud nations and help the Temple Mount Faithful Movement dig those satanic dogs into the ground!"
by the moody poet September 8, 2006
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Unable to resist the temptation of money. See Gold Digger

To put money $$$ over love and happiness. See Anna Nicole Smith.

Always working to make money and never having any time to live and be happy.

Anna Nicole Smith Syndrome is a serious condition which affects a lot of people who are unable to live full lives, because money over powers love at every turn. See Asians. In a sense Anna Nicole Smith Syndrome is only being able to make decisions that evolve around money and not the heart i.e. asking for proof of income on first date and financial references to cross check after date.

That patient will develop a serious condition that will psychologically push them away from love to try and find someone who is better able to accommodate them financially, even if it means living unhappy with someone who is obviously not compatible i.e. age gap, culture clashes, language barriers, nothing in common etc. See arranged marriages or Mail Order Brides or Russian Brides.

Patients may have developed a strong influence for a father or maternal influence to keep them protected. In a sense the patient may be suffering from being sheltered all their lives and never having the confidence to take risks for love.

Or the patient might be suffering Hollywood Slut Syndrome where they do not care who they step on, how they get there, as long as they get what they want!
"Are you kidding?" "Lei-Lei has Anna Nicole Smith Syndrome!" "She only dates men who are successful graduates who come from money!" "Well little does that asian-ho know that the men who are fucking her have Anna Nicole Smith Syndrome and only marry women who come from money."

Candy: Hi Glenn
Glenn: Hi Bitch
Candy: Did you hear?
Glenn: No... what?
Candy: Well as you know I'm not one to spred idol gossip in class.
Glenn: No Candy you usually spred something else during lunch break!
Candy: Grrr! Well anyway Rebab is said to be going into an arranged marriage!
Glenn: And to think... I didn't even think they could give her away. (laugh}
Candy: It sounds like both her parents are suffering from Anna Nicole Smith Syndrome.
Glenn: Well if I were her husband to be I would be asking for a refund on the wedding night!

In the 1997 movie, 'Washington Square', Catherine Sloper (Jennifer Jason Leigh) an average, awkward type of girl from a prominent wealthy family is persuaded by the very handsome, persuasively romantic Mr. Morris Townsend (Ben Chaplin) who is gossiped to be poor and gossipers say only interested in Catherine for her wealth to engage. It could be said that Mr. Townsend was suffering from Anna Nicole Smith Syndrome if indeed true? A very powerful and sad movie (have tissues handy), with a very surprising ending that shows how far some people will go who are suffering from Anna Nicole Smith Syndrome. But who has the syndrome? The father? The daughter? The aunt? Or Mr. Townsend?
by the moody poet August 26, 2006
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A Dick Cleaner is a professional title given out to a nymphomaniac slut that cleans dicks using his or her tongue with disregard to hygiene of the penis.

A Dick Cleaner will clean the most dirtiest dicks in town. Please see x-girlfriend.
"Oh don’t worry Penny's out cleaning dicks; you know how it is with Dick Cleaners these days?"

"I'm really worried about Ruth's breath; it was so foul I think she could be a Dick Cleaner"

"No man I didn't cum, it was practically just a dick clean!"
by the moody poet August 10, 2006
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PEP is medication that is used to help stop the infection and transmission of AIDS or HIV within a 72 hour window period of coming into contact with AIDS or HIV. See One night stands.

PEP is a month-long course of drugs that, if taken within 72 hours of the HIV virus entering the body, can prevent a person becoming infected with HIV. The PEP drugs are the same drugs that people who have the HIV virus use to reduce its impact on the body.

PEP is short for Post Exposure Prophylaxis.

Post = after

Exposure = a situation where HIV enters someone's body (eg: during unprotected fucking or by sharing needles etc)

Prophylaxis = treatment for disease
I was totally wasted and high on drugs the other night and had unprotected sex with a couple of guys from the club.

I better get down to the clinic and go on PEP just in case I caught The Big A (AIDS or HIV).

Better to be safe than sorry?
by the moody poet October 29, 2006
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Jesus vs Muhammad

The Ultimate Wrestling match!
Jesus vs Muhammad

Jesus never used violence.
Muhammad used violence.

Jesus used love.
Muhammad murdered, killed and used hate.

Jesus did not take any wives.
Muhammad wallowed in wife after wife, even taking children as his wives.

Jesus did not steal.
Muhammad stole and robbed caravans.

Jesus did not force conversions.
Muhammad forced conversions using the sword.

Jesus was a pacifist in spreading his word.
Muhammad used war to spread his word.

Jesus was poor.
Muhammad was rich.

If Muhammad is opposite to everything Jesus was… Think about this… Jesus had a direct line to God, who was Muhammad speaking to?

Jesus spoke directly to God.
Muhammad spoke directly to ……?
by the moody poet February 16, 2009
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Cock-Death is when a girl or guy chokes to death on a cock while having a fuck!

Cock-Death is when a penis strangles, throttles, suffocates or asphyxiates a girl or guy to death, usually during sexual intercourse.

Cock-Death is a medical term used when an autopsy concludes that the patient died having their airways and lungs blocked by a penis during intercourse.
"I mean that must have been some really hard kink for Mandy to die of Cock-Death like that on her wedding night!"

"I heard she had 2 cocks in her mouth when she died and that the insurance company is thinking of changing Cock-Death to Cocks-Death just for her." "What a tribute!"

"Amanda from Melrose Place will die of Cock-Death in an up-coming episode but will be brought back by Billy using CPR."

"Apparently Chris nearly died from cock-death last night."
by the moody poet August 14, 2006
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The act of eating while having sex. See Food Sex.

When your dinner table becomes both your mattress and buffet.
"This chick couldn't stop eating!" "We went back to her place after going to KFC, McDonalds and Burger King where she continued to stuff her fat face while I was fucking her."

"I hate it when chicks pull the Kirstie Alley Sex Maneuver."

BRAD: I thought you said we could have sex?
UMA: But I'm hungry could you just go get me something to eat first?
BRAD: (Mumbles...) Fuck'n Kirstie Alley Sex Maneuver!
by the moody poet January 24, 2007
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